The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 23 May, 2022

10 Arts and Culture speech topics for class 8 students

The art and culture of the country is what defines it and getting to know about it brings you close to it. The persuasive speech can help you know more about the religion, food, music, traditions and dance forms of your country. Listed below are a few arts/culture speech topics for class 8 that will enrich your knowledge about the art and culture, and make people aware of your persuasive speech.

Arts/culture speech topics for class 8:

  1. Should art and music be made a mandatory subject in schools.

  2. Is graffiti an art or nuisance?

  3. Does modern art lack authenticity?

  4. Museums: A dying collection of art and culture.

  5. The journey of your favourite author.

  6. Should entry to museums be free?

  7. Why are art and culture so important?

  8. Should schools hold annual arts/culture festivals?

  9. All about your favourite celebrity.

  10. How can arts help in holistic development?

These were some arts/culture speech topics for class 8 that will help you evolve your public speaking skills and will let you influence your audience’s mind with your persuasive speech. 

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