10 interesting ways to develop expository writing skills in your child!

If you want to write an expository essay, you need to make it informative. When you go through information about expository writing, you will understand that many journalistic pieces fall into that category. But not all journalistic pieces are written with the intention to provide unbiased facts to the readers. Therefore, journalistic pieces such as advertorials and opinion pieces are not types of expository writing.   

You need specific planning for expository writing as it has to be factual. Before writing an expository essay in literature, you need to gather correct information about the topic. You will find various professional expository writing programs for kids where they will be taught the necessary skills to focus on factual writing. 

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10 Ways Expository Writing Skills Can Be Developed

Here are 10 ways expository writing skills can be developed in kids:

  • Follow an authentic essay structure: One of the best tips on writing an excellent expository is to follow the structure of an authentic essay. You do not have to stick to the conventional five paragraph essay structure to write an expository essay. Instead, you can focus on adding relevant information within as many paragraphs as required. 

  • Begin writing by forming an outline: If you want to know how to write an expository essay, you should know that you need to prepare a specific outline for it. Before proceeding to the main essay, prepare an outline to ensure that you are not excluding any important information. Choose at least three main points of focus for your expository essay.

  • Focus on introduction and conclusion: You need to begin your expository writing with a catchy introduction. It can be a narrative opening or a descriptive opening. You can also begin it with a quote or a rhetorical question. The conclusion also needs to be quite effective. You can summarize the whole content or add a call to action in conclusion. 

  • Inform and explain: When you write an expository essay, you should remember that its ultimate purpose is to educate the readers. Therefore, you should add relevant information to your essay. Sometimes expository writing also revolves around a step-by-step guide explaining a particular process.

  • Develo ideas: One of the best tips for writing an excellent expository is to embrace the process of developing specific ideas. Sometimes you might have to write a long essay, and you don’t have enough information. The trick of writing an expository is to develop ideas based on the available information.

  • Provide evidence: Since expository writing is factual, you need to provide the source of your information. Supporting material in your essay can make it more attractive to readers. Always focus on finding relevant sources of correct and unbiased information. The source can be anything like a book, website, journal, video, or interview. 

  • Focus on the subject-verb agreement: While writing an expository essay in literature, you need to be careful about subject-verb agreement. After writing the essay, you should examine it and try to spot errors. You should also be careful about other grammatical rules, such as noun-pronoun agreement. 

  • Determine the point of view requirements: While writing an expository essay in literature, people often get confused regarding which point of view to write from. Usually, an expository essay is written from the third-person perspective. But it does not mean that you can’t use the first person or second person. Especially when you are writing about personal experience, using the first person or second person is quite effective. 

  • Emphasize clear writing: When you sit down to write an expository essay, you should pay attention to increase your focus on clarity. Write your expository essay in clear and concise language so that readers don’t find it difficult to understand. Using figurative language and uncommon words are not recommended while writing an expository essay in literature. Without clarity, you will lose readers even with the best statistics and facts. 

  •  Use transition words between paragraphs: The use of transition words is essential to writing an expository essay. Transition words will help in connecting all the paragraphs and give a smooth flow to the essay. They will ensure that your thoughts are getting unfolded logically with the essay. However, do not use transition words unnecessarily to increase the word count of your essay.     

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6 Types of Expository Writing with Examples

The 6 types of expository writing with examples are as follows:

  • Compare and contrast essay: Among the types of expository writing, compare and contrast essays are quite common. These essays revolve around pointing out the similarities and differences between two chosen subjects. But the chosen subjects in a compare and contrast essay should belong to the same category. For instance, you can write a compare and contrast essay between skinny jeans and boyfriend jeans. You can talk about the fit of the two types of jeans and what clothes you can pair them up with. But comparing and contrasting jeans and a shirt does not make sense.

  • Problem and solution essay: Under the types of expository writing, problem and solution essays are quite common. It revolves around examining the problem from multiple perspectives and finding appropriate solutions. For instance, you can write an essay on the problems of air pollution. You can talk about what air pollution is and what are the factors leading to it. After examining the problem, you can write about potential solutions to curb the problem of air pollution. 

  • Cause and effect essay: An expository essay in literature can also discuss the causes and effects of a chosen subject. Any cause and effect essay can be written in the block structure where all the causes are discussed, followed by the effects. It can also follow the chain structure where one cause is listed, followed by its potential effects. You can write an essay on the causes and effects of cancer.

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  • Process essay: An expository essay in literature can also explain in detail the process of something. Process essays often include cooking recipes. A process essay is usually a step-by-step instructional guide. Your goal will be to ensure that the reader can do the particular job without making any mistakes. For instance, you can write a process essay on how to make braids. 

  • Classification essay: You will also find classification essays under the types of expository writing. A classification essay revolves around segmenting an essay topic into different groups. Each group is discussed in detail, and information like characteristics, features, and examples are provided. For instance, you can write an essay on the different types of coffee. You can dedicate each paragraph in the essay of your body to describe each type of coffee.

  • Definition essay: One of the most common types of expository writing is the definition essay. A definition essay is highly descriptive and gives complete information about a topic. In the beginning, a definition essay will describe the meaning of the essay topic. After that, a definition essay focuses on answering the how and why aspects of the essay topic. You can add the dictionary definition of the term along with the extended information. For instance, you might be asked to write a definition essay on the debate. 


  • What is expository writing?

Expository writing revolves around exposing or revealing facts. If you want to write an expository essay, your aim should be to educate your readers. 

  • How to write an expository essay?

If you want to know how to write an expository essay, you need to understand its definition. An expository essay is a factual piece of writing. Therefore, you need to add information in your expository essay to impart knowledge to your readers. 

  • What is the importance of an expository essay in literature?

If you want to know why expository writing is important, you should know that it’s factual. Therefore, the importance of expository writing is that it helps in educating or informing readers.  

  • Do you need the practice to write an expository essay?

Like any other type of writing, you become better at expository writing after sufficient practice. You can choose any topic and write an expository essay to determine the areas where you need improvement. 

  • Do you need too much planning for expository writing?

To write an expository essay, you have to plan the structure. You also need to focus on finding relevant information on the topic. 

  • Are expository writing courses for kids beneficial?

Expository writing courses for kids teach them everything they should know about the form of writing. Register here now!

  • Do you need creativity to write an expository essay? 

You don’t need too much creativity to write an expository essay because it is factual. But it does not mean that expository essays are not required to be well-written. If your expository essay is not written with correct grammar and in an engaging format, readers will find it boring.

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