Creating Confidence

Sun, 07 Oct, 2018

4 benefits of Leadership course for Class 1 students!

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About Leadership Course For Class 1 In English

It’s the perfect age to start teaching kids life and leadership skills. These qualities will help them become effective leaders later in life. A leader takes people along with them on a journey toward a common goal. To get other people to follow them, a leader needs to impact them. Impactful personalities have to be nurtured and cultivated at a young age in an encouraging environment. 

At PlanetSpark's 1st English leadership class, we create a nurturing environment for your child to thrive. They have the space to find their way of leading. In PlanetSpark’s teachers, they will find confidantes and well-wishers who help them grow. 

You know you can develop your child’s leadership skills at an early age? Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark and see your child becoming a great leader!

Benefits Of Leadership Course For Class 1 In English

At PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1, your child will be encouraged to carve out their path toward leadership. In a world plagued with micro-management and toxic workplaces, we instil positive leadership in children. Leadership skills like emotional intelligence, persuasive communication, and effective decision-making are bound to create leaders who work for the group's good. 

Children love to mimic. They observe, internalise, and imitate the behaviour of the people around them. Along with the adults around them, teachers at PlanetSpark’s leadership class for grade 1 will stand as examples worth following. 

  • Live 1:1 Leadership Training for Class 1 in English

We believe in focusing on your child during the session. Our live 1:1 sessions are designed to pay close attention to your child’s leadership journey. 

Each session is designed according to your child’s unique personality and interests. It will help them slowly come out of their shells and shine in social situations. 

  • Exhaustive Curriculum to Learn Leadership in Class 1

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 covers every aspect of leadership for your child’s academic and personal growth. We've got all the leadership requirements covered in our training, from public speaking and communication skills to time management and effective decision-making. 

Our training sessions focus on 5 core areas of development in children, which are cognitive, linguistic, emotional, physical, and personal/social. Providing holistic training to develop in all these areas healthily and constructively will surely prime your child for success in academics and later life. 

  • Leadership Program Curated by Experts

Experts from Harvard and XLRI curate our leadership training for class 1. They have used the same leadership and personality development methods in their professional and social lives. Our experts have designed the course to aid in the holistic development of children. Instead of focussing on fragmented areas of personality development, we, at PlanetSpark’s class 1 leadership development course, tend to children’s core development areas and help create well-rounded individuals and leaders. 

  • Scientific Methodology Used to Teach Leadership Skills

PlanetSpark’s class 1 leadership development course implements the effective STEPS methodology to cultivate leadership skills in children. The technique involves a 5-phase approach to teaching kids:

  • Spark - In this phase, we ignite curiosity in children. 

  • Think - It involves getting kids familiarised with the problem at hand to understand it better through games and activities. 

  • Explain - Children will observe and analyse the problem from a deeper perspective in this phase. 

  • Practice - In the practice phase, the kids will apply the knowledge they’ve gained so far. 

  • Share - By this phase, your child is ready to share this knowledge with others and crystalise their newly learned skills. 

This technique is proven to help children learn new skills so that they can apply them in their daily and academic lives. They will also be able to retain these skills through their teenage and adult life. 

  • Fun and Engaging Approach to Teaching

At PlanetSpark’s leadership course for class 1 students, our teachers know how to make learning fun and engaging. We combine role-play, games, and fun activities with teaching kids crucial leadership skills like confident communication, public speaking, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. 

Don’t wait anymore to develop your child’s leadership skills. PlanetSpark provides the best courses for your child to develop leadership skills. Book a FREE class NOW!

Importance Of Leadership Course For Class 1 In English

  • Enhances Academic Performance

Focusing only on academics is not enough for your child’s overall growth. In their formative years, you must consider their holistic personality development. A well-rounded personality will help your child enhance their academic performance and perform well in extra-curricular activities. 

  • Boosts Self-Esteem

Our leadership classes for grade 1 are designed to help your child in their leadership training and their overall self-esteem and confidence. A healthy self-esteem will lead to healthy friendships that last a lifetime. It will also help your child build bonds with their teachers, classmates, and, last but not least, you! 

  • Teaches the Power of Persuasion

A leader who can’t persuade people? At PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 kids, we teach your child how to convince others to follow. Qualities like kindness and emotional intelligence can help them understand others’ perspectives. It creates leaders who take everyone along on a journey to a better future. Understanding others comes with benefits apart from persuasion. 

  • Creates Junior Leaders

Your child will become a class captain or captain of their football team. PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 kids is designed to create leaders in childhood and classroom settings. Without a doubt, these skills will guide them later in life.  

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What factors should I consider while choosing a leadership course for my child? 

You might have to consider how well-versed the teachers are at getting through to your child, the methodology used in teaching, and the benefits of a particular leadership course for class 1. 

  1. What are leadership classes?

Leadership classes for class 1 children are curated to teach them crucial leadership skills like emotional intelligence, decision-making, public speaking, and persuasive communication. 

  1. How should my child start leadership training?

There are several things you can do at home to start leadership training. These include giving your child space to grow, not judging them for being themselves, and encouraging their interests. However, we suggest that you have them enrolled in PlanetSpark’s leadership course for grade 1 to get the best results. 

  1. How do you identify leadership qualities in children?

While some children shine in leadership situations without any help, some need that helpful nudge in the right direction. If you notice your child is taking charge in challenging situations, showing high emotional intelligence, and making effective decisions that benefit a group at large, you’ve got yourself a leader in the making. 

  1. How experienced are the teachers at PlanetSpark’s leadership classes for class 1? 

Experts and child psychologists design PlanetSpark’s leadership classes for class 1 students. Our teachers have quite a bit of experience teaching leadership skills to children. 

  1. What do you teach in a leadership class?

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 students teaches kids crucial leadership skills such as public speaking, confident communication, persuasion, decision-making, and time management.

  1. Will there be online sessions in leadership classes for class 1 students? 

Yes, indeed! We conduct leadership sessions online for class 1 in English. Now, your child can find the leader in themselves from the comfort of their home. 

  1. What are the advantages of starting leadership training for class 1 students? 

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 students gets kids primed for a bright future as leaders and functional members of society. 

  1. How many students does each batch of leadership training for class 1 students have?

 At PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1, we try to keep classes small and intimate to give enough attention to each child. We also have 1:1 sessions for leadership training. 

  1.  Will my child’s personality be considered while training them for leadership? 

We are completely aware of the fact that your child is unique. Considering their uniqueness and quirks, PlanetSpark’s leadership training for class 1 devices effective sessions for your child.

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