4 Tips & Tricks to Make Kids Start Talking About Day to Day Activities

Developing Talking About Day to Day Activities Skills in Kids

Talking about day to day activities skills in kids is an important skill to develop. You cannot expect your child to start talking about day to day activities all of a sudden. Time is required to learn day to day activities skills for children. If you want to know how to talk about the daily routine, you can join professional classes.

Tips to Make Kids Start Talking About Day to Day Activities

Some tips to make your kids describe their day to day activities in English are as follows:

  • Describe your daily routine: The key to making your kids start talking about day to day activities is to describe your daily routine. After seeing you talk about your day to day activities in English, your kids will also feel motivated to describe theirs.

  • Prepare day to day activities list: Preparing a day to day activities list is a great way to make your kids start talking about their daily activities. While preparing the list, encourage your kids to describe their day to day activities in English.

  • Comparison between a school day and a holiday: Another great way to make kids talk about day to day activities in English is to make them compare a school day with a holiday.

  • Pick up the chit games: Write different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon, or evening on different chits. Ask your kid to pick one chit and describe how they spend the time of the day mentioned in the chit.

Want your kid to communicate their day to day activities? Register at PlanetSpark now!

Questions to be Asked in Order to Make Your Kids Start Talking About Day to Day Activities

Asking some relevant questions can help in making kids describe the day to day activities in English. A few relevant questions to ask are as follows:

  • What do you do before going to school?: You can ask your kids to make a day to day activities list before they go to school. Encourage them to tell the specific time of doing each task. For instance, ask them at what time they wake up and at what time they hit the road. Tell your kids to focus on little details such as packing their lunch and tying their shoelaces.

  • What classes do you have at school?: It is a question that can initiate a short conversation about school. You can tell your kids to make a day to day activities list for classes at school on each day of the week. While asking this question, you can also get your kids to further describe what they do in each class. Ask them to describe the classes in chronological order to see if they are able to use proper adverbs.

  • What is the thing that you do after you wake up in the morning?: This is another great question to make kids start talking about day to day activities. The question helps kids focus on a specific part of the day. Ask your kids to describe their morning routine right from when they wake up. See if your kid is able to incorporate small details like turning off the alarm clock. You need to see if your kid is able to describe their morning activity using correct adverbs of frequency. For instance, if they are not eating the same breakfast every day, see whether they are using “sometimes” to describe what they eat. But for compulsory activities every day, such as brushing their teeth, see if your kid is using the word “aways.”

  • What does mamma/pappa do after waking up in the morning?: It is a different type of question as you will make your kids describe your daily routine. Kids will find this question quite fun to answer. They will try to get every part of your morning routine correct. You can give them some reward when they are able to describe your day to day activities in English.

  • How do you spend your day on weekends?: It is another great question to make your kids talk about day to day activities in English. Since weekends are a lot more fun, your kids will love describing what they do. You can also ask specific questions related to weekends, such as the time of waking up and the games they play, to make it more interesting. It is one of the best ways to make kids develop the skill of talking about day to day activities.  


  • What are some tips for describing day to day activities in English?

If you want to describe the day to day activities in English, you need to use the simple present tense. You should know that you need to use adverbs to describe time and frequency. For instance, you need to use adverbs like before, after, sometimes, usually, and others.

  • Can talking about day to day activities in English improve speaking skills?

Talking about day to day activities in English is a great way to practice speaking in English. Little kids develop a sense of correct tense and grammar when they speak about their daily activities in English.

  • Can preparing a day to day activities list help in practicing English?

Preparing a day to day activities list is a great way to make your kids practice the English language. Encourage your kids to describe their daily routine using full sentences.

  • When is the best time to learn talking about day to day activities skills for kids?

The best time to learn talking about day to day activities skills for kids is around five to six years. Describing day to day activities in English is a great way for your kids to brush up on their English language skills.

  • Is talking about day to day activities a good topic for conversation?

Talking about day to day activities is a great topic for conversation. You can also make your kids write an essay describing day to day activities in English.

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