The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 18 Aug, 2020

5 benefits of planetSpark’s best English speech Course for class 5 Children!

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About Speech Skills For Class 5 Children's Course 

Being able to communicate with our children is one of the most joyful and fulfilling aspects of parental responsibility, and you can accomplish this through class 5th kids speech training. During their everyday interactions and experiences, children learn about themselves and other people, including family members and other children and about the rest of the world. 


To be successful, your kid must be able to communicate effectively with others via the use of words. Take, for example, a young mind that is full of ideas but is unable to deliver those ideas in the appropriate way to the appropriate audience due to a lack of articulation and confidence in public speaking.

Because of this, acquiring the skill of public speaking is essential for your 5th-grade kid. This assists in conquering the fear of public speaking as well as standing out in a group of people

Whichever profession your child chooses, they will be required to communicate with their peers, participate in forums, and take the stage to share their journey, tell the world about their achievements in life, ideas and inventions, and their thoughts and theories name a few things. Therefore, their ability to communicate effectively will give them an advantage over their competitors.

Furthermore, many children start preschool or kindergarten programmes between the ages of 4 and 5, with class 5 kids. Speech training at PlanetSpark is an important aspect of learning in the classroom.

Our English speech Course for class 5 children is a wonderful course for kids to develop their personality and overall development. So, what are you waiting for? Book your FREE Trial today! 

Benefits Of Planetspark English Speech Class For Grade 5 Children

Speech is defined as the sounds produced when someone speaks. It is important to note that children develop English speech skills in a developmental sequence and that certain rules apply, such as when sounds may not start words. In addition to these elements, speech adds characteristics such as loudness, pitch, intonation, and fluency. 

Some children have difficulty controlling their voice volume, and they may talk either extremely softly or quite loudly. In general, as children get older, they can modulate the tone of their voice, which comes in handy when telling stories or indulging in creative play. 

Following are the benefits of booking the English speech classes for Grade 5 Children  with PlanetSpark: 

  • Communication is evolving at a rapid pace

Communication and public speaking are intertwined concepts. Your kid will not put their thoughts and ideas to use until your kid communicates them to others. It will assist your kid in conveying what is in their heads to the listener's ears.

  • It helps your kid develop listening abilities.

'What makes your kid think they will pay attention?' Your kid listens because they have something to react to, something to comprehend, something from which to acquire information, and most importantly, something from which they may learn something new and interesting.


When your kid says they are listening, they are not always hearing what we are saying. Hearing is the process of hearing sounds via the ear, while listening is the process of being conscious of those sounds and comprehending what those sounds are about.

Listening is just something that your kid chooses to do rather than something that occurs to them. It is possible that information is delivered but not comprehended during listening. If your kid doesn't listen, they will not be able to comprehend the information. Listening skills are improved as a result of speech Training for class 5 children. 

  • Increased proficiency in vocabulary and pronunciation

It is important to note that pronunciation and vocabulary are linked and reliant on one another. For example, if your kid’s pronunciation is poor, the vocabulary they know will be ineffective in helping them to communicate.

Children make improvements in each of these areas with public speaking assistance. How? Daily practice in speeches, writing exercises, and adequate delivery direction may help enhance their pronunciation while also allowing children to discover new words.

  • Analysis and critical thinking are required

What is the definition of critical thinking? Critical thinking may be defined as assessing information, understanding that information, and using that knowledge to solve issues and reach a conclusion.

When a child embarks on the adventure of public speaking, their creative capacity grows exponentially. For example, while preparing for a speech or any other material, they must do research.

  • Children develop strong opinions

English speech Course for class 5 children encourages them to create their perspectives. Children begin to establish their views after acquiring the ability to judge. For example, they can differentiate between morality.

Their conscience has begun to grow, indicating that they are progressing. As a result, the child learns to advocate for what he believes to be good and bad. This is a vital phase in the decision-making process. 

Book a FREE class for your child in our exclusive English Speech Skill Course to leverage the benefits of effective communication!

Class 5 Children Speech Course Curriculum Details 

We at PlanetSpark notably stress that the sessions are fun-filled and participatory incorporating conversation from both sides. All the teaching staff at PlanetSpark are board-certified and have enough expertise in their kitty. We push ahead and are motivated by the mission to attain greatness via innovation.

  • Active listening

  • Storytelling

  • Vocabulary Basics

  • Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Homonyms and Homophones

  • Homographs

  • Similes and Metaphors

  • Idioms 

Book a FREE class with us today to join our Speech Online classes for class 5 children to boost confidence in your kid! 

Habits To Incorporate For Speech Skills In Class 5 Children 

Even as children get older and enter school, the importance of play cannot be overstated. It is still the primary method through which children learn and develop social, emotional, and cognitive abilities. Because your kid is getting more sociable, he or she likes to play with other children rather than by themselves. Your kid is capable of sharing, however they may find it difficult to part with favourite toys and other items.

In time, your kid will be able to use complete and sophisticated phrases and have adult-like discussions, although they may still struggle to articulate complicated thoughts or events. When it comes to poos and wees, your kid will laugh at whatever joke or riddle you throw at him or her. 

As many as five to ten new words are being learned by your child each day, and they're able to comprehend much more than they can express. Your child's mind is working at a rate quicker than their ability to talk at this point due to the rapid expansion of their vocabulary. 

We have listed some habits to incorporate for developing speech skills in your class 5 kid and without involving the respective habits can lead to a negative impact on their interpersonal communication and listening skills. 

  • Make use of straightforward tones.

Even when a baby is a newborn, use basic noises like "da" and "ma" or "ba" and "aa" or "ooh" to communicate with them. These vowels and consonants elicit a positive reaction from young children. These basic speech therapy exercises in the speech Training for class 5 children can assist your youngster in communicating more effectively. They begin to pay attention and attempt to emulate you as they mature. 

  • The Art of speaking comprehensively

Make an effort to utilize straightforward language and warm tones. If you speak to your child's face to face, they will be able to comprehend what you are saying. Make direct eye contact and talk gently and patiently to avoid offending anybody. If the kid repeats the phrases incorrectly, softly repeat the words in the right way to ensure that she knows the difference between the two.

  • Switch off that TV

When your child is in the room, avoid turning on the television as soon as you walk in the door or leaving it on all the time. Contrary to popular belief, watching television is not recognized as a component of speech therapy practices. Instead, contact with other people is essential in language development.

  • Engage in cooperative play with your kid

Playing with your kid is a great way to communicate with them while also helping to develop motor skills and providing a variety of other advantages. Allow your child to make the decisions on what to do. Maintain a low profile and simply do the tasks that have been assigned to you. Playing with your youngster helps them gain confidence without putting any pressure on them to speak. In addition, speech therapy exercises may be made more enjoyable by engaging in some light play.

  • Hold open communication 

While you are feeding, bathing, or changing your kid, continue to speak about what you are doing to them. If you're going out with someone, explain where you're going in plain words to them before you go. You will be shocked at the quantity of information that a little brain can retain and recall at the most opportune moments!

  • Read books to them 

One of the most effective speech therapy tasks is reading a book with plenty of brightly coloured images and descriptive language. Your youngster will like curling up on your lap and reading a book with you. Reading is often connected with feelings of safety and affection. This practice has the potential to instil a lifelong love of reading in your youngster. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Importance Of Class 5 Kids Speech Training For Children 

  • Communication through speech and language therapy

Our responsibility as speech-language pathologists is to help children who lack the ability to speak express themselves verbally, whether via non-technological means such as books, low-tech gadgets, or high-tech devices and applications.

  • Improve effective communication skills

Therapy for speech and language disorders includes both speech and language. Speech therapy in speech Training for class 5 kids is sometimes misunderstood to be just about improving one's ability to communicate verbally. But our training program also involves language, active listening, reading, and writing skills. 

  • Improve Social Skills 

A child needs to have good social skills to engage with people in their society and their daily lives. It's common for pragmatic language skills to be considerably delayed and disordered when someone has minimal or no functional speech. Videos, role acting, specialist treatment applications, and other tools and tactics may all be used to work on social skills. To improve these social abilities, the usage of supported communication is essential.

  • Using speech and language aids, reading

Reading and writing are huge assets when communicating with others. You can converse more freely if you know how to spell. It is possible to improve the child's ability to communicate effectively with others by teaching these fundamental abilities. Did you know that there are different Types of Reading Skills? We will cover these essential reading skills in our English Speech Skill Course for Class 5 Children. 

PlanetSpark Speech Training For Class 5 Children Testimonials 

  • My child's English teacher is a great pick. She is patient and compassionate in correcting her grammatical and pronunciation errors. With minimal time, I can already detect changes in her English. PlanetSpark deserves a shoutout. 

Soumya Bansal 


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Is speech treatment beneficial?

Being able to explain oneself is of the utmost importance. As a parent, you may help your kid improve their capacity to speak and express themself in the most effective way possible via speech therapy. 

  1. What are the basic ways to improve my class 5 kids' speech?

The basic way to improve class 5 kids' speech are: 

  • Watching movies in English is recommended.

  • Immerse yourself in the latest news in the English language.

  • Make a list of useful terms to include in your vocabulary book.

  • Engage in English-language chat. 

  1. Is it possible to learn public speaking online?

Yes, PlanetSpark’s speech Online classes for class 5 children are an excellent approach to getting experience in public speaking. Using this method, you may write down ideas and information without spending time practising. You have probably already participated in an online course on a site such as Udemy or Coursera, or even on a private platform.

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