The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 05 Nov, 2018

5 Benefits of Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Children!

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About 3rd-Grade Pronunciation Classes

Did you know that “pronunciation” is one of the most mispronounced words in English? Oh, the irony! A pronunciation error can change the meaning of a sentence and it can make your audience or listener lose confidence in you. There are disastrous consequences to such a tiny error. With PlanetSpark’s English Pronunciation Course for 3rd Grade, you can easily fix this problem for your child. Learn about 5 benefits of our pronunciation course for class 3 children now.


If you ask us, pronunciation is as important as learning grammar and vocabulary. While grammar, vocabulary, and spelling can help your child’s writing skills, pronunciation and voice modulation are key to spoken English. It takes a combination of both of these skills to make an efficient communicator. At PlanetSpark’s English Pronunciation for Grade 3, we teach your kid how each sound of the English language is pronounced correctly. 

If you want to make your child learn English pronunciation skills, you have to focus on areas apart from the sounds of the English language. Elocution also involves voice modulation, auditory discrimination, vocabulary training, and other related skills. Correct pronunciation stands on three pillars named intonation, sounds, and emphasis. Our English Pronunciation for Grade 3 includes all the related and core skills to teach your kids how to enunciate words. 

 Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of English Pronunciation For Grade 3

  1. Live 1:1 Online Pronunciation Training for Class 3

Our qualified trainers will conduct regular 1:1 online training sessions with your child. As our trainers get to know your child better, the program will evolve and adjust to your child’s learning style and personality. We will align the training with their goals and aspirations to keep engaged in the training. 

  1. Engaging and Incisive Approach to Teaching 

Grade 3 kids will often find themselves going off on completely different tangents in their heads. Instead of being a flaw, this indicates how imaginative they are. At PlanetSpark’s English Pronunciation Training for Grade 3, we harness your child’s imagination to engage them in activities that will help them learn new skills. We combine roleplaying, games, and other activities such as tongue twisters, reciting poems, speaking in the mirror, etc while teaching them. 

  1. Best Pronunciation Classes for Grade 3 Crafted by Experts

Experts from XLRI and Harvard have crafted the English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids with valuable insights from child cognitive psychologists. They have zeroed down on areas of improvement in the traditional education systems and addressed these areas. An engaging approach to teaching, non-punitive methods of correction, and a scientifically backed curriculum are the basis of PlanetSpark’s English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids. 

  1. Unique Teaching Methods Designed Scientifically 

The experts at PlanetSpark have observed children’s learning styles for years and developed their own teaching methods that are conducive to optimal learning. The STEPS methodology has 5 steps that involve gradually cultivating said skills in your child:

  • The spark phase generates curiosity in the child. 

  • The think phase gets the child thinking about various aspects of the problem at hand.  

  • The explain phase involves observing and analyzing the nuances of the problem to develop a wholesome understanding. 

  • The practice phase will get your child implementing the knowledge they’ve gained so far. They get to practice the newly learned skill and perfect it. 

  • The share phase will get your child to participate in community activities and share their knowledge. 

  1. Vetted Educators

The educators at PlanetSpark’s English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids are experts at what they do. They’ve excelled at the PSAT taken by over 1 lac teachers worldwide and gained relevant experience in teaching kids of a certain age group. 

Raising confident communicators with PlanetSPark’s English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids is a breeze! Book your seat today! 

English Pronunciation Course For Class 3 Kids Curriculum

  1.  Let’s Cover the Basics First

  •  Level 1: Sound covered: -a, -s, -t, -l, -p, -n

  •  Level 2: Sound covered: -c/k, -e, -h, -r, -m, -d

  •  Level 3: Sound covered: -g, -o, -u, -l, -f, -b

  •  Level 4: Sound covered: -ai, -j/g, -oa, -ie, -ee, -or

  •  Level 5: Sound covered: -z, -w, -ng, -v, -short oo, -long oo

  •  Level 6: Sound covered: -y, -x, -ch, -sh, -th

  •  Level 7: Sound covered: -qu, -ou, -oi, -ue, -er, -ar

  1. Online Certification Details

  • Advanced Certification (__ Classes)



Achievements: _____________ Certificate

  • Pro-Grad Certification (__ Classes)




  • Merit Certification (__ Classes)




 Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s Pronunciation course for class 3 and help your child in developing their pronunciation skills!

Importance Of English Pronunciation Course For Class 3 Kid

  1. Prepares for Public Speaking

Do you dream of your child becoming an orator? Well, getting them to learn English pronunciation skills is one of the first steps towards that dream. Knowing each of the sounds of the English language is pronounced can help your child become a better communicator. This can help them be more confident while speaking in public and get rid of their stage fright. 

  1. Boosts Self-Esteem

Self-Esteem is a sum total of various core life and leadership skills. These skills involve command over language, speaking in public, holistic personality development, and last but not least healthy self-worth. We know you work hard to give your child everything they deserve and create a healthy family life for them. Adding these skills to the mix will help you raise a child who is confident in their skin. 

Pronunciation skills

  1. Helps with Core Communication Skills 

When your child learns English pronunciation skills, it also helps develop other skills such as storytelling, public speaking, confidence building, etc. Along with this, our Pronunciation Class for Grade 3 Kids also encourages them to make a habit of reading and writing. All of these habits and skills come together to make a persuasive and effective communicator. 

  1. Improves Social Interactions

Mispronouncing certain words can be embarrassing in social situations. Even though we know that it’s not a grave mistake, your child may come out of such an experience detesting the language or refusing to learn. At our English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids, we help your child build confidence by teaching them the A to Z of elocution. It will get rid of their awkwardness and help them interact confidently with others. 

  1. Enhances Academic Performance 

We’re sure you’ve been trying to teach your kids to read and write regularly to improve their language. However, if they haven’t learned English pronunciation skills yet, you're delivering an incomplete package. For their holistic academic growth, it’s essential that they enunciate properly. 

For more information, talk to ur experts NOW!

FAQs On English Pronunciation Course For Class 3 Kids

  1. What age groups does the English Pronunciation Course for 3rd Grade teach?

Our English Pronunciation Course for 3rd Grade Kids is specially crafted for primary school-going children who are in class 3. Typically, your child will have to be around 6-7 years old to enroll in this course.

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

PlanetSpark’s English pronunciation Course for 3rd Grade is self-paced with live 1:1 sessions that last for around 3 months. We request you to book a FREE trial with us to get a better idea of what the course involves. 

  1. How can parents know that their child is progressing?

We understand that parents would want to track their child’s growth and understand how the English pronunciation Course for 3rd grade is benefiting them. It’s recommended that you personally interact with your child to know how they’re doing. You can check their progress on the PlanetSpark learning app.  We will also communicate with you on emails with periodic updates. 

  1. What are the elements of correct pronunciation?

Generally, pronunciation is based on the intonation, sounds, and emphasis of words. It also involves other essential skills such as voice modulation, pausing, timing, auditory discrimination, etc. 

  1. How many sounds does the English language contain?

The English language has 44 sounds in total. There are 19 vowel sounds which include 5 short vowels, 6 long vowels, 3 diphthongs, 2 'oo' sounds, and 3 R-driven vowel sounds. The 21 consonants can make about 25 sounds. 

  1. How are PlanetSpark’s educators assessed for their teaching skills? 

All of our trainers at the English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids have aced our rigorous and competitive PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test). They also have experience in teaching kids in a certain age group. 

  1. Why isn’t vocabulary and grammar enough to teach my child English?

Vocabulary and grammar can teach your child how to write certain words and weave sentences. But without correct pronunciation, the picture is incomplete. Knowing how to enunciate words is important for spoken English. 

  1. What are the academic advantages of 3rd Class Pronunciation Training Online?

The skills acquired from our English Pronunciation Course for Class 3 Kids can help your ace oral tests, speeches, and debates. It will also help with confidence building and enhance their public speaking skills. 

  1. Can learning English pronunciation skills help my child’s speech development? 

PlanetSpark is all about the holistic development of your child. When they’re at a crucial stage of speech development, your child has to learn English pronunciation skills to converse. These skills will add up to better spoken English later on. These skills stand to help your child socially and academically. 

  1. My child has trouble pronouncing certain sounds. Will English pronunciation courses for 3rd-Grade help them? 

That’s what our 3rd Grade English Pronunciation Training is all about! PlanetSpark has a philosophy that drives us to evolve our learning programs to your child’s specific needs. Our trainers will pay extra attention to the areas where your child is lagging. 

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