Writers Guild

Mon, 06 Aug, 2018

7 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course for Class 6 Kids!

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About Descriptive Writing Course For Class 6 Kids 

Writing, along with reading, is one of the two most effective tools we can provide kids to help them lay the groundwork for their cognitive growth and to help them succeed in school. Unlock your child's creativity with PlanetSpark's Descriptive Writing Course for Class 6 Kids. Boost skills, confidence and grades in no time!

However, it is significantly more challenging to learn to read and write than to understand verbal communication (spoken language). This is because it requires acquiring and learning to utilise particular norms of written language that demand intellectual growth. And this can be possible with the help of the best Descriptive writing course for class 6 kids. 

All of the kids have something to say. When kids are heard and have the opportunity to write down their opinions, their self-esteem increases. They will improve in their capacity to express themselves if we encourage them to write down their ideas and emotions without restriction. 

PlanetSpark 6th-grade kids Descriptive writing classes provide kids with tried-and-true, entertaining, and creative techniques that educate them to naturally connect with the ideas and emotions that already exist inside them.

Our online Descriptive writing course for class 6 kids combines critical reading and writing with interactive exercises to help kids learn and retain essential ideas and information.
Kids benefit from personalised learning in small groups because it allows them to enjoy the process of learning while also improving their abilities. In the lessons for primary school kids, they will play games and watch films while also learning a new language and how to express themselves simply. 

You can book a FREE Trial to have an in-person experience of the class. 

Benefits Of Planetspark Descriptive Writing Course For Class 6 Kids

A person writing on a paper

On a daily basis, our tiny ones encounter things that are completely foreign to the – new activities, new ideas, new words, and even new problem-solving techniques.

Creativity is a beautiful tool for assisting our kids in harnessing their new abilities and navigating the complex world they are entering through the 6th-grade kids Descriptive writing classes. 

There are some surprising advantages to descriptive writing. You may be hesitant to introduce your kid to the thrill and difficulty of descriptive writing, but keep reading, and we'll show you why it's a vital skill that they will be able to use for the rest of their life.

  1. Develop your imagination and creative thinking.

Kids already possess extraordinary imaginative abilities. So it doesn't take much for kids to start creating tangled webs of tales out of anything we put in front of them to get their imaginations working.

Our kids may use anything to make a tale, whether it's fully articulated dolls or the cardboard rolls left over after producing paper goods and other things.

Introducing them to create kids' literature provides them with an avenue for their own personal expression and imagination. In addition to writing down the scenarios they've played out with their toys, kids may create drawings to accompany the text. Soon, you will see their imaginative abilities soar to new heights.

  1. Increased proficiency in English language arts

Unsurprisingly, putting into practice the 6th-grade kids Descriptive writing classes kids acquire in ELA or English and Language Arts will help them to improve their performance. This is because it's so simple for kids to lose track of the smallest things, such as finger gaps and punctuation marks.

However, when we encourage kids to write creatively, we are reinforcing those abilities. Because of this, they will have an easier time achieving success in school.

When your kid writes, they are honing their sentence construction, vocabulary, and use of punctuation, even if you don't convert their creative writing session into a lesson for them. Little ones, in particular, need assistance with their letter sizes and placement, and as they practise creative writing with you, this will only develop more.

  1. Encourage others to express themselves.

Regardless of their age or stage of development, kids are bursting with strong emotions. However, our kids can express their feelings without throwing tantrums if we equip them with the appropriate tools.

Descriptive writing courses for class 6 kids are an excellent method to expose your child to challenging emotional ideas in a fun and engaging manner. It's also a fantastic instrument for expressing oneself! 

While some kids are excellent at conveying their thoughts and emotions verbally with people they can trust, others may find it more convenient to write down what they're thinking and feeling instead of verbally talking.

Journaling and descriptive writing may contribute significantly to kids' emotional development in their early years.

  1. Increase one's self-esteem

When kids are initially learning how to write, it may be discouraging to rewrite letters and words in their notebooks continuously. Little fingers might have difficulty writing neatly and remembering suitable letter spacing, and d's and b's can seem eerily similar to growing brains in their appearance.

However, like with any other skill, it can only be improved via repetition. Therefore, the more time you spend working with your kids on these difficult ideas, the better they will become at them.

When your kid proudly displays a completed piece of creative writing and understands that they created it themselves, that they put those words together and recalled all of their ELA skills and strategies, you will see a significant increase in their self-confidence and pride in themselves.

  1. Assist in communicating and persuading

In school, as kids get older and are exposed to increasingly complex themes, they will be required to learn how to convey their thoughts and convince readers via their writing effectively.

We realise that isn't the objective of 6th-grade kids' Descriptive writing classes; nevertheless, if you work with them to develop these abilities, you can be certain that they will be better equipped for the future. And kids will have to write college essays sooner or later, after all.

  1. Improved problem-solving abilities

A dilemma is necessary for every creative tale to be complete. Take note of how your child's heroes or heroines resolve the obstacles their main characters encounter while writing about their exciting exploits.

Creating innovative and one-of-a-kind answers to challenges is something that kids are already naturally gifted at. Their growing brains see things in ways that we adults may not be able to perceive! They'll be better at utilising their problem-solving muscles later in life the more they use those muscles now.

  1. Establishing a connection with peers

One of the most rewarding aspects of 6th-grade kids Descriptive writing classes is that it opens the door to a plethora of chances for interpersonal contact. In addition, it is a trust-building exercise for kids to share their writing, even if it is just for the sake of amusement.

Descriptive writing is an expression of one's individuality! Encourage your kids to share their feelings with others who are close to them. This enables kids to begin sharing tales and meeting new acquaintances more quickly. 

Book your FREE Trial Class today and discover how our Descriptive writing Course for class 6 kids solves problems in a creative way.  

Learn Descriptive Writing Skills Curriculum Details 

Descriptive writing for class 6 kids


  1. Section 1: Reading Comprehension 

  • The setting, Mood and Characters

  • Key Events and Sequencing

  • Main Idea

  • Compare and Contrast

  • Cause and Effect

  • Plot (Conflict & Resolution)

  • Summary and Prediction

  • Conclusion

  • Fact or Opinion

  • Point of View

  • Inferences 

  1. Section 2: Creative Writing

  • Composing with Pictures

  • Developing a Writing Identity

  • Generating and Collecting Ideas

  • Focus / Meaning

  • Organising and Structuring Ideas

  • Elaborating on Ideas

  • Word Choice

  • Grammar and Punctuation

  • Collaborating with Writing Partners

Descriptive Writing Course For Class 6 Kids Activities & Worksheets

  1. Take a walk in the fresh air.

For this assignment in the Descriptive writing course for class 6 kids, kids are required to take a walkabout campus and take notes on what they see. On the other hand, the classroom is where the bulk of the training takes place before it is transferred outside. 

So, first, give them a clear explanation of how descriptive writing is ordered and structured to avoid confusion. Next, show your kids a photograph of a natural scene. Afterwards, offer examples of how you may develop a simple description of an image to become a strong piece of descriptive writing by using details from the image in the description.

  1. The transformation of non-descriptive phrases into descriptive phrases

Prepare a worksheet with a variety of sentences on it for the kids. The sentences should be clear and free of any descriptive terminology. kids are responsible for rewriting these sentences more thoroughly, which they will do themselves. Remind your kids to write with their five senses in mind and use literary methods in their work.

  1. Describe the picture and look for similarities and differences between it and the description.

Make a selection of pictures and get them printed. As a source of inspiration, you might look to well-known artworks or photos. To keep things interesting in class, give each child a different image to look at. kids should be asked to describe the image using their five senses, literary approaches, and adjectives, among other techniques. 

Please provide them with a decent amount of time to describe the photo to the class. Afterwards, assemble the images once again and display them in front of the kids one more time. Finally, kids are required to read their descriptions aloud. The rest of the class is necessary to try to identify which image the kids are describing to complete the assignment.

  1. Provide a thorough description of a restaurant.

After being familiar with the core literary principles and the importance of using all five senses, kids may begin writing their own descriptive paragraphs on their own initiative. 

For example, inquire about their favourite restaurant and ask them to describe why it is their favourite restaurant. At a restaurant, all of your senses are engaged, and your eyesight may be distracted by the odours and sounds surrounding you. Before collecting the kids' work at the end of the class, ask them if they would be prepared to volunteer to share their descriptions with the rest of the class.

  1. Describe your most memorable and least memorable holiday experiences.

This idea encourages kids to bring their reading materials along with them on their travels in order to keep them entertained. They must contain a description of the scene, the order of events, and the identities of the people who were there.

You should encourage kids to write about both their good and horrible experiences if they get the chance. 

Consequently, they will be compelled to utilise descriptive language and concepts in their writing with positive and negative implications. These activities will be very beneficial to kids because they will teach them to think about writing and to write in a detailed manner. Do not forget to utilise your own ideas while creating your masterpiece!

Importance Of Best Descriptive Writing Course For Class 6 Kids

Descriptive writing for class 6 kids

  1. Imagination and Creativity are essential.

Kids are encouraged to use their imaginations and develop their creative brains via the process of descriptive writing. It enhances their capacity to come up with innovative solutions to problems. In addition, they can think more broadly as a result, which may help them achieve success in a variety of areas, including problem-solving and analysis.

  1. Self-Expression

Kids often have difficulties comprehending and expressing their emotions, which is understandable. However, writing provides kids with a secure environment in which to explore, and it may be a tremendously valuable tool for expressing their emotions.

  1.  Self-Confidence

Writing provides kids with more significant opportunities to express themselves and their thoughts, as well as to create their own "personality." These improvements have the potential to boost their self-confidence significantly.

  1. Communication and persuasion abilities are essential.

A well-written work entails a great deal of thinking, preparation, organisation, and the effective use of words to communicate a message. What an excellent opportunity for kids to learn to organise their ideas and attempt to persuade someone of their point of view.

Check out PlanetSpark right now to know more about our diverse writing clubs that your child can participate in to improve their writing skills.  


  • Thank you, PlanetSpark, for making it easier for my son to express himself verbally on paper. Your online descriptive writing workshops have boosted my child's self-confidence. Salutations to PlanetSpark!

Shubhi Rathore 


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the 5 characteristics of descriptive writing?

The characteristics of descriptive writing are: 

  • You should establish the objective of the introduction. 

  • Consider the purpose for why you are writing this.

  • sets the tone for the overall impression

  • The body of the text contains specifics (sensory, factual, symbolic).

  • consists of both ideas and emotions

  • It is preferable to organise things in local order.

  • contains transitions between concepts that help to link them

  1. Is there going to be a free trial class?

Yes, you can enrol your kid in the Free trial class to make sure that your kid is getting comfortable or not. 

  1. What are the four elements that make up descriptive writing?

In addition to the elements listed above, descriptive essay outlines should include an attention-getter/hook to capture the reader's attention and a thesis statement that states the subject and provides a general impression about the subject in the introduction; topic sentences to begin each body paragraph; transition words, and many others. 

  1. What are the characteristics of effective descriptive writing?

In order to effectively describe anything, descriptive writing must contain numerous vivid sensory elements that help the reader visualise the scene and appeal to all of the reader's senses of sight and hearing as well as their senses of touch, smell, and taste when appropriate. Your kid may also use descriptive writing to create mental representations of the emotions that a person, location, or item elicits in the writer. 

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