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Mon, 13 Dec, 2021

7 effective tips for Poetry Writing Prompts for 3rd grade students!

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Writing prompts are given to spark the imagination of the kids who are learning to write in English or any other language. These writing prompts might be either based on memories or may be narrative in nature. Some kids have a special inclination towards rhymes and poems. If you have such a kid at home, it is better to inspire him to write a poem. While suggesting poetry writing prompts for 3rd grader kids, you need to be cautious about two things:

  1. The topic must be good enough to write a poem on. Inspiring topics on nature, sports, or any other topic that motivates your kids can prove to be helpful.

  1. Poems are different from stories or essays. Therefore, you don’t have to be very specific about grammar and sentence structure when it comes to judging their poem writing skills.

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Some tips for poetry writing prompts

You can teach some basics of poems before suggesting poem writing prompts for class 3 kids. These things include rhyme schemes, how to use imagination skills and creativity while writing poems, etc. Here are some suggestions that you can use as poetry writing prompts for grade 3 kids:

  1. Ask them to write about their favourite toys. Kids are fond of their toys and can relate easily to them. The toy can be their favourite doll, car, train, teddy bear, or any other toy that they are fond of.

  2. If your kid doesn’t have a huge vocabulary, it is better to give simple topics as poetry writing prompts for 3rd grader kids. The topic can be about their favourite colour, flower, fruit, bird, or animal. Kids are fond of animals and birds. You can ask them to include the sounds they made and their walking style, mannerisms, etc. in the poem.

  3. Ask them to write about their favourite ice cream flavour. Their taste, flavour, reason due to which they like that particular flavour, etc. can be incorporated in the poem. You can also ask them to describe the memorable moments they spent with their family or friends while eating their favourite ice creams.

  4. Kids have a special connection with their friends. If you ask them to write a poem about their friends, they might get confused as they can have many close friends in their school or nearby your house. You can help them by asking them to write about the friends who inspire them in studies or sports. Also, recommend them to write about their desirable and undesirable qualities in the poem.

  5. Kids might or might not love the time they spend in their school studying. However, there might be some memorable moments of their school that can be penned down in the form of a poem.

For example, asking them to write about their first day in school can be a good idea. Similarly, asking them to write about their favourite teachers or places in the school might spark their imagination and inspire them to write some interesting lines.

  1. Kids don’t like to visit doctors because they are scared of injections and medicines. They especially dread going to the dentist because of the pain or unpleasant experience they might have experienced while getting their teeth cleaned or removed. As a parent, you can help your kids to convert their awful memories about doctors/dentists into humorous and interesting poems. For example, the poetry writing prompts for class 3 kids can be

  • Why do you dread going to a dentist/doctor?

  • Your last visit to the doctor/dentist?

  • Tips that you want to give to doctors or dentists to make kids feel better.

Such impromptu poetry writing prompts for class 3 kids can enable them to write funny poems.

Encourage your child's creativity and writing skills with these poetry writing prompts!

  1. You can give random poetry writing prompts for 3rd grader kids. These writing prompts might be related to their past memories, special moments of their grandparents or parents, or any other object which they are very fond of. For instance, you can suggest these random poetry writing prompts for class 3 kids:

  • Write a poem about your tent. Explain why you feel comfortable and happy when you sleep or play in your tent.

  • Write down a poem about your grandparents. Include their qualities and positive behaviour towards you in the poem. Also, if applicable, add some points on their nagging behaviour.

  • Write a poem on the bedroom, bathroom, or any other room which you are fond of. Explain why you like these places along with the memorable moments that you spent there with your friends and family members.


  1. Give me some important tips on poetry writing prompts for class 3 kids.

Poetry writing prompts for grade 3 kids can really inspire and improve their writing skills. However, as a parent, you should ensure that you don’t dampen their spirits by mocking or making fun of them when they don’t write it perfectly or use inappropriate rhyming words.

  1. Why is writing poems useful for kids?

Writing poems enhances their flare for writing on new things. It ignites their imagination and inclines them towards the deeper and subtler aspects of literature.

  1. How to correct the mistakes of kids?

It is essential to correct the mistakes that your kids make while writing poems. You can point out the mistakes in the rhyming scheme and suggest them a better or perfect rhyming word. Also, you may ask them to read more poems that are suitable according to their age.

  1. Is there a problem with kids who fail to write impressive poems?

Not at all. All the kids are not gifted enough to write poems. Your aim should be only to expose them to poem writing so that they can improve their vocabulary and writing skills.

  1. How to inspire kids to write poems?

Make your kids hear beautiful poems on nature, patriotism, rain, etc. to inspire them to write poems.

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