Confidence Building

Fri, 26 Jun, 2020

Benefits and Importance of Early Years Personality Development Course

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About Personality Development Course Early Year 

The first five years of a child’s life are incredibly important for physical and emotional development. Children as young as 3 to 4 years old constantly observe their surroundings and learn from absorbing them. It’s important to start setting the stage for a wholesome life ahead in their early years. Before enrolling with our course, read the benefits and importance of early years personality development course in the following blog.

describing personal development for kids

As tough as it might sound to get young kids to concentrate on their classes, PlanetSpark’s personality development classes for age 3 to 4-year children help their cognitive and social growth in a fun and engaging way.

At PlanetSpark, we combine essential life skills training like social etiquette and conflict & stress management with confident communication and leadership skills like decision-making. Personality development training for early years will play a crucial role in shaping their teenage and adult life. It can inculcate values like patience, resilience, the importance of teamwork, and respect. 

Raising a confident child with healthy self-esteem is not a small feat. Let our trained experts help you with personality development for early year children, helping them boost their confidence, socialise more and eventually into leaders of tomorrow. 

Enrol now and book a FREE class today!

Benefits Of Early Year Personality Development Training

A confident man with a good personalty

Inculcating essential life skills and communication skills at an early age comes with a host of benefits. There has never been a better time to teach personality development to 3 - 4 year-olds than now. 

PlanetSpark brings you a curriculum designed by experts, experienced teachers, and child psychologists to aid in the personality development of early year children. 

  1. Enhances Communication Skills

Communication is the be-all and end-all of human existence. Without it, we couldn’t have come as far as we have. Your child will not only learn how to communicate with others and socialise but also develop healthy self-talk with our early age personality development training. With solid communication skills, young children can form strong bonds with others and achieve academic success. 

  1. Confidence Booster

Every child is unique and brings different qualities to the table. Whether they are introverts, extroverts, or ambiverts, our early year personality development course helps kids embrace themselves and find their calling with encouragement and direction from experts. This is the very foundation of self-confidence. 

Our course can guide your child through their physical and mental milestones. It will teach them self-acceptance, boost their confidence and provide them with the means of self-expression. 

Well-rounded children with these skills and a positive mindset are meant to be confident in themselves. 

  1. Helps Build Healthy Social Relationships

Confidence and communication are the glue that makes for strong social bonds. Children need to understand the importance of healthy social relationships early on. Dysfunctional friendships and social bonds can have an incredibly negative impact on children, especially if they are as young as 3 or 4. 

Early year personality development training can help children respect other people’s opinions, be kind and good listeners, and also recognize the difference between good and bad behaviour. 

Early socialisation and communication skills will enable kids to form life-long friendships and lay a healthy foundation for future relationships. 

Book a FREE class in PlanetSpark’s early year personality development course to make the best of your child’s formative years.

  1. Creates Driven and Focused Individuals

Toddlers and younger children are generally notorious and not able to for being unable to focus. If you ask us, they are just looking to engage in interesting activities and absorb all they can learn about their environment. 

The course is designed to keep younger children engaged in activities and tasks that they are inclined towards. The more engaged they are, the more they will focus on activities that will help their cognitive and social development. 

The training we provide children involves fun games, engaging activities, and role-play to aid kids in developing interpersonal and analytical skills plus critical and creative thinking. 

Personality development classes for early years will teach younger children which tasks to prioritise and manage their time to achieve the best possible results. 

  1. Instils A Can-Do Attitude

Sometimes, failure can deter children from moving ahead. But if they learn personality development in their early years, they can acquire the necessary skills and the right attitude to press ahead despite obstacles. 

The course aims to teach good self-esteem, independence, and the confidence to take life head-on. 

Leverage the benefits in developing your child’s personality by booking a FREE class today with our Personality Development course! 

Our Holistic Outlook Of Early Year Personality Development

Personality Development for early years

At PlanetSpark, we value your child's individuality, and imagination and fully understand that every child is unique. We aim to provide them with the right skills and resources to accept themselves confidently and assert their right to make mistakes and learn from them. 

We do not approach our classes stringently but rather give the child the creative space and room to develop their unique personality. All our activities and worksheets are tailored to the needs of your child. 

Each experienced teacher will give 1:1 attention to your child's cognitive and social needs. Our teachers will help the child grow in the direction they naturally tend towards. PlanetSpark’s early year personality development classes are here to help your child be the best version of themselves and not anybody else. 

Importance Of Early Year Personality Development Course

  1. Sets the Stage for a Fuller Life

Early year personality development training can help toddlers become healthy and mindful adolescents and later adults. From birth up to 5 years, a child’s brain makes neural connections that will refine as they grow older. Simply put, the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life is laid in the early years. 

  1. Teaches Creative and Healthy Ways To Deal With Challenges

You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. One is bound to face challenging situations in life. But our course can help your child deal with tricky situations. They will learn how to face stressors, own up to their mistakes, and gain the resources to peacefully dissolve conflict. 

  1. Helps Cognitive Development To Create Effective Learners

The formative years of a child are crucial for their physical and cognitive development. These are the years when children become more independent, gain mobility, and interact constructively with their surroundings. An environment that encourages their mental growth is indispensable for coming out of this developmental stage without any hang-ups or personality issues. 

3 to 4-year-olds are especially curious. Their curiosity is encouraged and satiated at PlanetSpark’s early year personality development course. We enable a life-long love of learning and growth in children with mental maps, games, and roleplay.  

  1. Builds Emotional Intelligence

It’s not only adults who need emotional intelligence to deal with life. Personality Development training in the formative years can help your child deal with their emotions in a better way and control flashes of anger and stress. 

Along with communication skills, it’s important to be empathetic to others to create strong social bonds. A child who can handle their emotions effectively without derailment will make for a good friend and a potential leader. 

Book a FREE trial now and transform your kid’s personality with our course!

FAQs On Personality Development Course For Age 3-4 Kids

  1. What does personality development entail? 

Early year personality development classes include teaching children essential life skills, communication skills, being presentable, and maintaining hygiene as well as developing leadership qualities. 

  1. What is PlanetSpark’s approach to personality development for early year children? 

We approach personality development for 3 to 4-year-old children in a holistic way that encourages cognitive development, emotional intelligence and resilience, and lifelong love learning as well as social skills. PlanetSparks believes in helping kids become the best versions of themselves and embrace their personality and uniqueness. 

  1. How much experience do PlanetSpark’s teachers need to teach personality development to early year children? 

The teachers at early personality development courses are experienced and degree-holders in teaching toddlers and young children. They hold at least __ years of experience in training early year children in personality development. 

  1. What are the theories of personality development? 

There are various theoretical approaches to personality development in psychology. It includes Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Eric Ericsson’s psychosocial theory of development, trait theory, Skinner’s behavioural theory, Carl Rogers, and Abraham Maslow’s Humanistic theories are among the major personality development theories across the lifespan. 

Most developmental psychologists assert the formative years as being crucial to the development of healthy adults. 

  1. Why should my early year child join PlanetSpark for personality development? 

A child's formative experiences can make their future brighter and help them grow into successful adults who contribute positively to society. Our early year personality development course inculcates all the skills and habits necessary to make that happen. 

  1. What are the factors of personality development in children? 

The influencing factors in the early years of personality development of children can be genetic, experiential and the interaction between genetic and experience factors. 

  1. Will my child get 1:1 attention in early year personality development classes? 

Yes, of course! Our personality development course for formative years is tailored to give your child 1:1 attention from experts to provide them with the right skills and resources for personality development. 

  1. How will personality development in the early years help my child's long-term development? 

Most psychological theories emphasise the importance of inculcating good habits in children at a young age to help them grow into healthy adults. Experience also proves that formative year experiences and education help kids become functioning members of society. 

  1. Is my 3 to 4-year child too young to be taking a personality development course? 

Not at all! This is the perfect age to start teaching your kids personality development skills to set the stage for academic and social growth. 

  1. How old does my child have to be to enrol in PlanetSpark’s personality development course for early years? 

PlanetSpark’s early year personality development course intakes children from 4 to 14 years old. 

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