Creating Confidence

Fri, 05 Jun, 2020

Best confidence building course for class 4 children to raise the self-esteem of your young one!

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Confidence Building In Class 4 Kids Can Make Them Into Emerging Leaders

We all know that confidence is key in life. A lot of the time, people tend to shy away from taking risks and speaking up their minds because they are not confident in their own capabilities and lack a sense of self-worth. Some people might be surprised to know that their childhood can have a huge impact on their self-confidence as adults. That is why it is important to build up the confidence of your children. And for that, you will have to search for the best class 4 Confidence Building development class for your children who are in grade 4. 

Every human is different from the other, and that is true for children as well. All kids are unique in their own ways. While some might be very confident and robust from when they were toddlers, a lot of school-going children have insecurities and lack a sense of self-confidence that can negatively impact their lives later. A good confidence-building class for grade 4 will be able to help your shy children out of their shells and make them confident and happy amongst their peers. Confidence-building training for kids class 4 will also improve their leadership skills and make them ready for their careers in the future. 

The lack of self-esteem often leads to children being less confident in themselves. The lack of self-esteem stems from them being insecure about something in themselves. It could be their looks, their grades, or something else entirely. This is why parents should always look after their children and try to build up their self-esteem. Through praise and proper training, children can become confident and robust. And this will definitely have a positive effect on them as adults. So if your child is lacking in self-confidence, you should look for a great online confidence-building course for class 4 so they can get right back on their feet and be comfortable with themselves no matter what. 

Book a FREE class NOW and start your child’s journey today!

How PlanetSpark Classes For Children Can Bring Their Best Selves Before Others 

Now the question may arise, why should a parent sign their children up for a confidence-building class for grade 4? Well, because there are experts in PlanetSpark confidence-building classes that will give children the best care and guidance that they might need. They will be able to teach the kids to gain confidence in a professional way that parents might not be able to do at home. People always want the best care for their children and that is exactly what PlanetSpark strives to achieve. Here are a few ways in which a great class 4 Confidence Building development course will be able to help your child gain confidence in themselves. If a child learns to be confident in themselves from a young age, they will grow up to be level-headed, confident adults who do not shy away from any situations.  

  1. Debating 

Debating is a great way to build up a child’s confidence. And the age is also optimum for them to slowly build up cognitive thinking through these engaging activities with their peers. A debate will help the children do their research before they present their arguments. They will also listen to the opponent and take their argument into consideration before presenting their own argument. This will improve their focus as well as their confidence in being able to walk up to a stage and share their opinions with other people. They will also learn that problems and differences can be solved through a mutually respectful argument. 

  1. Creative Writing 

Children who are in class 4 are usually 9-10 years old. This is a prime stage where their hold over a language is getting stronger and their creativity is also beginning to blossom. Creative writing will help the kids flex their creative muscles as well as make sure that their vocabulary is growing exponentially. It is one of the most fun and engaging ways to build their confidence in themselves and their creative processes. Any good confidence-building course for class 4 will have a creative writing course for children.  

  1. Public Speaking 

Some adults are scared of going up to a stage and speaking in front of people. Most of the time it is because their public speaking skills were not developed at an early stage of their lives. If a child attends a public speaking class, they will slowly get accustomed to the idea of giving a speech in front of an audience. This will also help them be able to express themselves better and with more confidence. This is one of the greatest ways for kids to learn confidence-building for class 4 children. 

  1. Grammar and Vocabulary Lessons 

Learning a language, especially English properly, is one of the greatest skills in today’s world. Many children are insecure amongst their peers about their English speaking skills. Grammar and vocabulary lessons will make sure that these grade 4 students are always at the top of their games when it comes to communicating. It will help them read, write and speak English fluently without any trouble. This will, in turn, help them gain confidence in their speech. 

PlanetSpark provides the best confidence building course for your class 4 child. Book a FREE class NOW and help your child in becoming a confident person!

Confidence Building Activities For Grade 4 Kids To Hone Their Self-Esteem

As children start to understand the world around them more and more, the chances of them feeling vulnerable increases as well. They get to know more and more people and can start feeling intimidated by them. This is especially true for kids who grew up in the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, many children had to attend online classes and did not have any connection with people their age. But now that schools have started to reopen slowly, they need to again come to terms with a drastic change. Some children might not be able to adapt to this change like others. And it is the duty of parents to make them feel comfortable and confident in themselves. But how are they going to do that? Well, here are things parents can do at home to build their children’s confidence in themselves. 

  • Play with Them 

As simple as this task sounds, it is very important. A lot of times, kids feel that their hobbies are insignificant to the adults in their lives. If parents do not take interest in things that kids get excited about, like playtime, they will think that their interests are insignificant and this will lower their self-confidence. Play interactive games with them and let them take the lead. Parents can also play board games with their children as not only do they give their confidence a boost but also build up their problem-solving skills. Parents should also praise their children for their small accomplishments in the game but also need their mistakes to be pointed out so they do not make it again. The more parents get involved with their children’s hobbies, the better it is for their self-confidence. 

  • Let Them Pack for a Trip 

Letting children make decisions is one of the most effective ways to build up their confidence. In class 4, a child is about 9-10 years old. They are smart enough to understand what they want to take with them on a trip. But in case they forget something, parents can make a list of things they have to pack for themselves and give the child the responsibility of putting it all together in a bag they can carry. This way they will slowly learn to pack and take care of their own things. Letting kids do things on their own also makes them believe that parents trust them with important responsibilities. So making them pack for a trip is a great way for them to get confident in their abilities. 

  • Celebrate and Praise Them 

One of the greatest and most effective ways to make children feel confident in themselves is to praise them at the right time. No, this does not mean that parents should not point out when their children are at fault. Because children also have to learn that there are consequences for their actions. This means that when they achieve something, parents should praise them for it. This will motivate them to do better in the future and also give them a great confidence boost. But not only when they achieve something, but children also need to be praised for trying and putting in the effort even when they do not win. Praising their efforts will make them want to do better the next time around. It also helps build a very healthy relationship between the parents and their children. 

  • Putting them in Charge of Chores 

Just like adults, children love to feel involved and important to their friends and family. It gives them a confidence boost when they are in charge of something. What parents can do to encourage this behavior is to give them a chore that they have to complete. For class 4 kids, it can be something simple like picking up their toys after they are done playing, watering the plants, or even washing their own dishes. This will make them feel that they are contributing to the environment that they live in and completing these tasks is a reward in itself. Parents should also praise them when they complete the tasks as it makes them feel confident in their performance. When these children become adults, they will not shy away from taking responsibility and will always be up for a challenge. 

  • Letting Them Play with Children Their Age 

Being able to communicate and connect with kids their own age is very important for children and their confidence. Due to the pandemic and lockdown, they are not being able to fully communicate with their peers. This is why letting them play with kids their age is very important. They will connect with other kids their age and form a bond. Working together in groups will also make sure that when they become adults, they will never shy away from working in groups in their work field. Teamwork is very important when it comes to any career path, and if parents can build that confidence in their kids from a young age, it will go a long way. They will also feel more confident about speaking in front of an audience and their leadership skills will also improve drastically. It is very important to make sure that children are spending enough time with kids their own age. 

Book a FREE class in our confidence building course and make your child become successful by becoming a confident person!

PlanetSpark Classes Testimonials 

  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.” 

Anjali Chahal


  • “The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in their education system.” 

Ankita Dhoot


  • “The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark gives a wonderful, fun based learning.” 

Mayuri Malhotra


  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.” 

Vinita Tripathi


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are some activities that build confidence in kids? 

 There are many activities that build confidence in kids. Doing small chores around the house, reading books, playing games together with parents and playing outside with children their age are some of the greatest and most simple activities that can help kids increase their self-confidence greatly. 

  1. What is the importance of building self-confidence in class 4 kids? 

The age of 7-10 is very tender as children learn a lot of skills during this age. Their cognitive thinking abilities also increase exponentially during this age. If they are not comfortable and confident in their growth during this age, they might have trouble finding courage and confidence in themselves when they grow up. That is why it is important for parents to encourage their children all the while helping them build self-confidence. 

  1. What are the four components of self-esteem? 

 There are typically four components of self-esteem and they are the feeling of competence, the feeling of belonging, identity, and self-confidence. 

  1. Why is confidence important while reading? 

 Being able to read and write properly is very important for children of the age of 7-10. They learn most of their vocabulary during this time and if they do not feel comfortable in their reading, writing, and speaking skills, then it might negatively impact their careers in the future. That is why it is important to make children read every day. 

  1. How can you increase your child’s confidence?

 You can increase your child’s confidence by encouraging them, assigning small jobs with objectives and tracking their achievements as well as rewarding their achievements.

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