The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 15 Nov, 2021

Best reading class for accelerate children to help your child read confidently in English!

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Reading Class For Accelerate Children- Helping Gifted Young Minds Get Ahead Of Their Peers

Learning to read is at the centre of consuming academic knowledge in any field that your child wishes to pursue in the future. Reading like writing and speaking is a skill that can be learnt with a little extra help. Remember that your child’s performance in school in their early years is connected to their reading skills . Therefore, it is pertinent that parents understand the importance of this skill and get their children all the additional help required to perform better when it comes to reading . We at PlanetSpark are always happy to help!

A holistic scientific approach to reading is just what your child needs to get a hang of it. Once they learn the basics with our experienced trainers at the primary level, you can decide if you’d like to opt for the English reading training for accelerated kids.

Your child is ready to take up the challenges of the accelerate level of reading courses if :

  • They are already ahead of their class in reading practices 

  • Show a greater aptitude for reading as compared to their peers

  • Have already started reading and comprehending books, the subject matter of which may be considered complex for your child’s age.

As a parent you must keep in mind that reading is a skill like any other which can be taught with the correct guidance. Reading and comprehension go hand in hand and the latter is proof that your child is able to graduate to the accelerated level in reading.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Why is English reading training for accelerated kids important for your child?

Here are some reasons why reading at the accelerate stage is an important skill your child needs to develop:

  • Helps your child learn the English language at an advance level as well as develop better language association skills

  • Helps your child to consume deeper knowledge and understanding of all subjects, not just focus on their language lessons.

  • Reading class for accelerate children helps your child to develop independent thinking , ask questions and understand logic and judgement  which are all essential to the overall development of your child’s personality.

About English Reading Course For Accelerate Kids

Acceleration courses are typically designed to help your child navigate traditional curriculum at a faster speed. 

If you are able to identify that your child has the aptitude for English reading courses at the accelerated level , it is time to give them that extra push! This course and all its variations are tailor made to suit the needs of your child. Our Expert trainers will dedicate time in the introductory stages of this course to understand where your child stands vis-a-vis their reading skills and introduce tools and course materials for acceleration as required. This means that some English reading training for accelerated kids may involve your child attending sessions with kids above their age group. This course challenges your kids reading abilities in every possible way and enables them to develop a free thinking mindset very early on. This automatically gives them an advantage over other kids in their own age group who do not qualify for the accelerated level in reading courses. In the end when your child overcomes the challenges this course throws at them , it will all be worth it and your child will have gained confidence that is unshakable. 

PlanetSpark offers the best reading class for early year students. Book a FREE class NOW and develop your child’s reading skills!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark Classes To Help Accelerate Your Child’s Reading Skills

PlanetSpark provides the best reading class for early year students who wish to opt for accelerated reading skills.The courses provide a fun activity based approach to develop the confidence your child needs to read and comprehend lessons in the English language. Our state of the art virtual classrooms equipped with the best virtual tools ensure that your child’s quest to accelerate their reading skills is well supported.  

Here are some other reasons why you should pick PlanetSpark’s English reading training for accelerate kids:

  • Expert-Designed Curriculum

What makes PlanetSpark’s English reading training for accelerated kids the top pick amongst parents? 

We hire experts from Harvard, BITS, IIT, Teach for India, and XLRI to design our distinctive curriculum with material inspired by research that studies the science behind developing reading skills. 

  • One on One Special Classes

Depending upon your child’s need , we offer special training sessions to give your child the boost they need to excel.

  • Scientific Skill based learning approach

At PlanetSpark, we ensure that our teaching methods are well researched and most importantly have some scientific backing that is bound to have an impact on your child’s overall understanding of the lessons and training sessions.

Curriculum Details

The curriculum specially curated for your child, differs depending on your child’s age group. Based on your child’s age, the courses are classified as below:

  • Reading course for 14 years Children

  • Reading Class for 15 Years kids

  • Reading Class for 16 Years kids

While each course has been developed by our expert trainers to suit the age group your child belongs to, the broad structure of the courses include:

  • Introduction to advance english reading skills

  • Coursework to enhance phonemic development

  • Building vocabulary 

  • Speed reading

  • Comprehension

  • Hobby based reading assignments

Activities And Worksheets

The activities and worksheets designed as part of the English reading training for accelerate kids are aimed at helping your child with the following:

  • Enable them to read faster with top notch fluency

  • Remember core words and enhance your child’s ability to retain them better in their memory

  • Boost self reflection and the ability to comprehend complex texts

  • Summarise what they read

  • Develop a healthy relationship with reading and academics in general

Book a FREE class NOW with planetSpark’s best reading class for early years and get the benefits above!

Testimonials For PlanetSpark’s English Reading Training For Accelerate Kids 

  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the PlanetSpark events.”




  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concepts.”




  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”




  • “The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and likes his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”




 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How can I improve my child's reading skills in English?

You can follow these simple steps to help improve your child’s reading skills:

  • By creating a reading corner at home that is a safe space for your child to take the refuge of books whenever needed. You can make it interesting for your child by putting up posters of their choice to decorate the space.

  • Create a regular reading routine for your kids and be involved

  • Try the process of Echo reading with your child . Your participation in the process may make your child’s reading experience more enjoyable

  • Help your child to find the books they like.

  • Encourage them to read outside what is in their school curriculum. 

  1. How can I teach my child to read faster?

You may try the following techniques to help your child read faster:

  • Indulge your child in speed reading activities. For eg: Time their reading and encourage them to read aloud so you can keep a track.

  • Encourage your child to use their finger as a guide

  • Ensure they don’t lose focus

  • Encourage your child to not get too comfortable while reading

  • Be involved

  1. What are 4 types of reading?

The four types of reading are:

  • Skimming: For eg: getting a gist of the text

  • Scanning: For eg: looking through the text scourging for a particular paragraph

  • Intensive reading

  • Extensive reading 

  1. Why is reading important for my child?

Here are some reasons why reading is important for your child:

  • Reading is key to the development of your child’s mind

  • Reading will help your child to discover new things

  • Reading is essential for your child to pursue a career in academics

  • Reading is important to find employment in the future

  1. How can I get my child interested in reading?

  • The best way to do this is to ensure that you start early

  • Your child will imitate you if they see you reading

  • Talk to your child about the books you read as a child and how that has helped shape your future

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