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Sat, 17 Sep, 2022

Dehydration: The Essential Role Water Plays in Our Everyday Lives

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Dehydration: The Essential Role Water Plays in Our Everyday Lives

We all know that drinking water is very important – especially now, in the summer. At home, my mother keeps reminding me to drink water. After a day outside in the summer heat, it is quite normal to reach for a bottle of water and enjoy its refreshing qualities.

There are many reasons why we need water as humans, the entire Earth does. 

However, how many of us have given thought to how important water is to us and what the risks are of dehydration? This humble, colourless, tasteless, and odourless liquid plays a huge role in keeping us healthy.

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 Water is required by the human body here are some reasons:

  1. To stay hydrated

  2. To keep ourselves and our surroundings clean

  3. To digest our food properly

  4. To remove toxins and waste matter from our blood

  5. To protect our joints, spinal cord, and tissues

  6. To promote healthy brain function

  7. To eat healthier

  8. To maintain the health of our circulatory system.

 Isn’t it amazing that this simple liquid offers so many benefits?

 What Is Dehydration And Why Should We Be Careful?

Dehydration: The Essential Role Water Plays in Our Everyday Lives


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Dehydration occurs when our bodies consume or expel more water than we consume. You are likely dehydrated if you have one or a combination of the following symptoms:

  1.  Headaches for no apparent reason

  2.  Dizziness

  3.  Sleepiness even after a full night's rest

  4.  Less urine, or urine that has a strong odour and a darker than usual colour

  5.  Reduced elasticity of your skin

  6. Constipation

  7.  When your mouth or mucus membranes are dry and painful

The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink water regularly throughout the day. There are many opinions about how much water you should drink, but the consensus is that you should drink at least 2 litres of water. If you sweat or are exposed to the sun for long durations this amount needs to increase.

Instead of opting for sugary carbonated drinks that are likely to dehydrate you further, drink some nice cool, refreshing water.

So now that you know, don’t forget to drink lots of water every day.

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  1.  How much water should you drink daily?

The consensus is that children up to 8 years of age need 1.1 to 1.3 litres, and from 9 to 13, up to 1.5 litres and above. Humans above the age of 13 need up to 2 litres of water daily.

  1. How does water help digestion?

It helps create saliva in the mouth that breaks down our food as we chew, aiding digestion.

  1. How does our body lose water?

We lose water when we sweat, pass urine, and have bowel movements, and that water must be replenished.

  1.  How does water help in blood circulation?

It is water that helps to carry oxygen and nutrients in the blood to all the parts of the body. This is how it helps the circulatory system.

  1. What will happen if you don’t drink enough water after sweating?

Sweating keeps your body cool after exercise. But it also drains away water and electrolytes in the body. If you don’t drink water, your body temperature will start rising and you can fall ill.

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