The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 18 Oct, 2021

Everything about PlanetSpark’s Advance English Speaking Course For Kids!

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About The English Speech Course For Advance Kids

The English language is an integral part of today’s education system and even the business world. From getting a job to being an influential person in the community, the English language plays an important role in our lives.

Enrolling kids in English speech skill training for Advance kids is one of the best ways to ensure that your kid masters the English language from a very early stage in their life. They will also find it easier to communicate with others after finishing the best speech class for early year students.

Children also have an option to learn speech skills online for advanced English. The course is designed in such a way that kids will develop fluency in a fun way.

This speech course for 11-13 years old children will provide them with conversation skills and confidence along with fluency in English.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Why Should Kids Learn English Early?

Kids are faster and better at learning new things than adults. They are practically sponges when it comes to learning things. Starting to learn English early makes it easier for them to not just learn English but even master the language.

The key here is “fluency” in speaking and not simply knowing the language. Many people understand English but struggle while speaking, which harms their confidence as well.

Other than this, the majority of the education is done in English these days. If your kid understands the language better, it will be easier for them to grasp all the new concepts. The kids will also be more outspoken in class regarding their opinions or doubts.

Even when it comes to giving presentations, fluency in the English language leaves a good impression on the teacher and boosts confidence as well. Being able to speak English fluently is a skill, and kids can develop it easily with our advanced English speech training.

PlanetSpark offers the best English Speaking course for your child. Book a FREE class NOW and start developing their public speaking skills!

Benefits Of This Speech Course

  • Improved Ability To Communicate With Other

The speech class online for advanced English has various activities that encourage kids to communicate with each other and their teachers in English. This constant interaction makes it easier for them to hold conversations with anyone.

  • Access To The Globalised World

English is a global language. And this is not a new piece of information for anyone. We all know the influence of English over the world. People in many countries speak English. Kids who aren’t fluent in English may not be able to communicate with people from different countries. In case you decide to move from one country to another, the kid may face a hard time at school. Or if in future they get a job opportunity in a foreign country. English is a global language, and a kid that is fluent in it has access to it.

  • Fast Learning

This is one of the significant benefits of our advanced English speech training. The majority of education these days is in English. A lot of research papers even get published in English. Knowing this language helps kids learn things faster and quite easily. They may even score higher due to a better understanding of the concept.

  • Open Windows Of Opportunity

Kids these days have hands down set more significant and better goals for themselves. They all now dream of becoming entrepreneurs or having successful careers in their desired fields. And the business world uses English as a primary language. Passing interviews and landing a job is much easier if you are fluent in English. Making business deals will be better with fluency in English. Our course will also help in building confidence and communication skills, two skills every successful person has.

  • Builds Confidence

Many schools have started including various group activities as a part of their curriculum. There are other extracurricular activities that schools organise for kids. However, not all kids are active participants as they lack confidence. Our speech classes for 11-13 year olds also help boost confidence and nurture communication skills. It becomes easier for kids to feel normal while in groups.

Want your kids to become a confident public speaker? Book a FREE class in our English Speaking course and start learning today!

Features Of PlanetSpark’s English Speech Course For Advanced Kids

  • Live 1:1 Guidance

With the right personal guidance, a kid can learn this new language at a faster speed and better. While we give due importance to interactive activities among kids, we also know the importance of 1 on 1 guidance. Kids will get both in this course.

  • Fun & Interesting Projects

While learning English may sound boring, it’s really not. We make sure that kids find it interesting and fun by assigning them cool and fun projects to do. These can be individual and group projects. In the end, we understand that they are kids, and that’s what we always keep in mind while teaching them.

  • Expert & Trained Teachers

All our teachers excel at what they do. All our teachers have mastery of the language, and they are also specifically trained to teach kids. Our teachers have aced the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT), an exam that is taken by more than 1 lakh teachers worldwide.

  • Comprehensive Course Module

The English speech course for advanced kids is curated in such a way that it helps kids develop other skills as well. Kids not only will learn to speak English fluently, but their communication skills will also be boosted, and they will have a higher level of confidence when the course ends. This course is created in a way to help them with the skills they need for the future.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How can I teach my kid English at home?

You can start by reading the books in English or making them watch cartoons in English. The best and most effective way would be to enrol them in advanced English speech training online.

  1. Isn’t just understanding English enough?

Sadly no. Not being able to speak fluent English will harm the kid’s confidence in conveying his/her thoughts. They won’t be able to put their opinions in proper words, and that can lead to several other problems. So no, just understanding isn’t enough.

  1. What will you teach first in English?

We normally start from the basics. First, we will build their vocabulary and make them comfortable with the language.

  1. What are the basic language skills?

Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing are basic language skills. Grammar is also considered one of the basic skills now.

  1. How long does it take for any kid to learn English?

It differs from child to child. However, with our speech classes for 11-13 year old children, it takes a child an average of _____ months to learn English.

  1. How can I motivate my kid to speak English?

Make them watch cartoons, read their English books, and buy games that improve grammar. You can also try the fun methods we use in our online advanced English speech training for kids at home.

  1. Is English the hardest language to learn?

English is considered a tough language to learn for both native speakers and new learners. It’s mostly because of confusing pronunciations, spellings and grammar.

  1. Is it important for even parents to be fluent in English?

Not at all; while we would urge you to have conversations in English, it’s not compulsory. Your child will have interactions with other kids and tutors in the online classes, so it’s not mandatory at home.

  1. Do you provide certifications as well?

Yes, we do provide certifications for all our courses. (Kindly add certification details for this particular course)

  1. Is There A Free Trial Available?

Yes, there is. You can click this link or visit the home page for a FREE trial.

  1. What are the age criteria for enrolling?

This course is specifically curated for kids of age 11 to 13.

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