The art of Public Speaking

Sat, 18 Jun, 2022

Everything about PlanetSpark’s Best Speech Class for Early Year Students!

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About English Speech Course For Beginner Kids

The English speaking course is one of the most valuable gifts you can give to your children. You must have noticed that English speakers often earn more, have better access to high-quality universities and flexibility to move anywhere in the world. You can say English speaking sets a good platform for your children to succeed in their careers.

If you are looking for a speech course for 5-7 years old children, you have come to the right place. PlanetSpark provides English speech skill training for beginner kids.

Online English speech classes are a brilliant and cost-effective way to help your children learn English. You can either find online tutors or apps with pre-recorded videos.

At PlanetSpark, we provide live classes with small batch sizes to provide personal attention to every child. Your child can have one-on-one English speech lessons with our highly qualified English tutors. PlanetSpark English speech course for beginner kids provides actionable, practical tasks to help your kids become good English speakers. We provide feedback to help your kids find improvement areas. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Book A Free Trial Of Speech Class For Beginners Children

PlanetSpark speech classes for beginner students offer a unique one-on-one experience to each and every student. We provide personal coaching to increase engagement between your children and trainers. It helps your children to raise their doubts comfortably. Your children get the opportunity to learn English speaking in a small batch of 5 students. Students from different classes are included in the batch to avoid peer pressure.

PlanetSpark speech training for beginners does not just focus on teaching the English language. It focuses on body language, non-verbal communication and confidence-building of your children.

PlanetSpark speech course for beginner students improves your children’s communication skills, power of persuasion and boosts confidence. It helps your children boost academic performance, helps them develop leadership skills and prepares for the future.

So make your children ready to face the world confidently by enrolling them in a speech course.  

Book a FREE one-on-one call today to know more about English speech course details.

About Speech Course For Beginners

Every language including English has two forms. Written form and Spoken form. Proficiency in any language means you can communicate well both by writing and speaking. English speech courses help your child improve English from beginner level to proficient level.

PlanetSpark English course for beginners helps your children build confidence to speak English in front of an audience. It includes exciting games for your kids to practice speaking in English. Practical activities include finding colours, saying opposite words, tongue twisters, puzzles and riddles and finding objects.

PlanetSpark speech skill classes for 5-6-year-old children include practising familiar rhymes, singing songs, reading best books and watching informative and funny cartoons.

Some Familiar Rhymes That You can Teach Your Kids

  • Old MacDonald Had a Farm,

  • I Can Sing a Rainbow,

  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat,

  • The Wheels on The Bus,

  • One, Two, Buckle My Shoe,

  • Georgie Porgie,

  • Mary Had a Little Lamb

Book a FREE class for your child in PlanetSpark’s Speech training for beginners and help create great orators of tomorrow! 

Importance Of Speech Training For Beginners

Speech training is very important for the future growth of your children.

Here are the reasons to enroll your kids in a speech course for beginners.

Everything begins with a small step. As your children are just beginning to learn English, It is important to take care that they do not feel overwhelmed. This is why it is important to enroll them in speech training for beginners.

Speech courses for beginner students help your children take the first step in learning English. It helps them build self-assurance and confidence with the help of small actionable study tasks.

Once your children get comfortable with English, many doors of opportunities will be opened. Many job opportunities come with the requirement of fluent English speaking skills. So, starting English speech classes from childhood will provide your children enough time to practice. Once your children are proficient in English, they will have a better command of public speaking.

Learning English provides better cultural interactions and enhances social skills. If your children get an opportunity to study abroad in the future, English will help them communicate better with other students. Better communication increases their self-esteem.

Most scientific research papers and data are published in English. Learning English speaking can help your child get better access to this information.

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Which types of lessons are included in speech class for beginners?

PlanetSpark provides a supportive classroom environment with small batches. In speech class students are encouraged to communicate their ideas with each other using verbal, visual, and writing techniques. Students also learn English listening skills. Students are trained to speak English with the help of practical activities. Because of the small batch size, every student gets personal attention and feedback from peers and tutors.

  1. Where can I download a course brochure for beginners?

Visit PlanetSpark’s official website and book a free trial to get complete details about the speech course brochure for beginners.

  1. How many students are there in a single batch?

PlanetSpark provides speech courses in very small batches with the aim to provide personal attention to every student. The Maximum batch size is 5 students and it is a mixture of students from different classes. This approach helps students set their own pace of learning without peer pressure

  1. How do you prepare students for speech?

Students are encouraged to write outlines of their speeches to organize the content. Then students are allowed to practice speech and record themselves. Students are trained about body language and non-verbal communication. They are trained to engage with the audience and maintain confidence throughout the speech.

  1. What do students do in public speaking classes?

Students practice various skills and techniques required to get the attention of the audience with the help of entertainment and providing information. Students practice these skills and get feedback from the trainer and audience. Then they work on the areas of improvement after receiving feedback.

  1. What are the types of speech?

There are four types of speech. One is to inform, second is to entertain, third is to persuade and fourth is to instruct. These types are not mutually exclusive. One may have several purposes while presenting themselves. Like one may provide information in an entertaining style. One may persuade the audience to take action on the information provided by him. However, any purpose of the speech will generally fall into these four types of speech.

  1. What are the basic skills involved in speech improvement?

Speech improvement requires following basic skills.

  • Speak loud enough so that everyone in the audience can hear you clearly.

  • Speak clearly to convey your message to the audience.

  • Pronounce each word correctly.

  • Avoid monotony in speech. Engage with your audience.

  • Make eye contact with as many members of the audience as possible.

  1.  How do online speech classes work?

Online classes are a great platform to learn public speaking. PlanetSpark provides one of the best online speech classes. After you register for an online speech class, you will get the link to the platform where virtual classes will be held. At the time of the class, you will be taken to the software via the link.

Once you log in, you will find an instructor and other participants. The instructor will greet everyone and provide basic information and exercises. After the introduction and ice-breaking session, the instructor will take a detailed session and let you practice on it. Then instruction will wrap up the session with a question and answer session.

  1. What's a good introduction for a speech?

A good introduction is helpful to get the audience's attention. A good introduction establishes credibility. You can add topics in the introduction that the audience can relate to or add a preview of the main points of the speech. You should write an introduction at last to match the content. The introduction is a crucial part of the speech as it sets expectations, so it is advisable to write it at last.

  1. What is the cost of a speech course for beginner students?

In India, You can find online and offline skill courses for 5-6-year-old children. Fees of these courses vary from place to place. English speech courses can cost up to 15,000 INR in India.

  1. What are the benefits of one-on-one English speech class?

One-on-one English speech class ensures high-quality interaction and personal attention to every student. Students can learn without any fear or peer pressure. Instructors can personally take care of the difficulties of students. 

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