
Mon, 14 Feb, 2022

George Washington: The Founding Father and First President of the United States!

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George Washington

George Washington

George Washington was the very first President of the United States and is called the ‘Father of the Nation’. He took the oath as the President on April 30, 1789, at Wall Street – on a balcony in the Federal Hall, to be exact.

Did you know that he was also an officer in the military? In fact, he was the one who led the American army to victory against the British in the War of Independence. He played a huge role in drafting the American Constitution. Washington was also instrumental in defining the federal structure of the American Government.

Here’s another fun fact: it was George Washington who coined the title “Mr. President”. Today, there are several monuments in his honour in the US, and we know the national capital is named after him. There is an entire state named in his honour, and he features on the US $1 note too.

Early Life

George Washington was born in Virginia to a wealthy family of tobacco cultivators on February 22, 1723. He was sent to a church school initially and later went on to learn subjects that helped him become an expert map-maker and draughtsman.

Military Career

He got a job as a surveyor but soon resigned and joined the military in the Virginia Regiment. He served in the war against the French and the Native Americans. He went back to his plantations after the war. This experience helped him when the people of America decided to gain freedom from the British, owing to their tax policies.


Though George Washington had accomplished many great things, he had some flaws. He owned more than 500 enslaved people cumulatively and forced them to work on all his lands. He asked for one of his enslaved people to be freed after his death, but the others had to continue working for his wife.


After retiring from politics in 1797, Washington spent all his time on his plantations and his distillery, and other businesses. He died of a throat infection on December 14, 1799.

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  1. Which political party was George Washington a member of?

He was not a member of any party and had contested as an independent candidate.

  1. Is it true that Washington cut down his father’s cherry tree?

No, it is a rumour.

  1. What is significant about Washington contracting smallpox?

He recovered from smallpox and gained lifelong immunity. This worked in his favour when Americans had a smallpox epidemic during the War of Independence.

  1. How were Washington’s enslaved people freed at last?

In the end, he had 124 enslaved people, one of whom was freed after his death. He had asked the rest to serve his wife till her death.

  1. What was the first office that Washington held?

George Washington was elected to the House of Burgesses in Virginia.

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