How can mime techniques (expressing without words) enhance language education for kids?

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Learn Mime Act - Expressing Without Words Skills to Easily Teach English 

It is not easy teaching English to kids. This is very true for those students whose mother tongues are different from English. Teachers learn the use of mime techniques to teach English because it is effective and interesting. Children will learn faster if they feel relaxed and happy. They must not feel the pressure of learning to understand something quickly. Playing games to teach lessons is very common among the lower grades, and mime effectively teaches English words and grammar.

The importance of learning English has been on the rise with jobs becoming more globalised. Even studying abroad has become very common among Indians, which requires good English knowledge. All higher education worldwide is taught in English, and learning the language at a very young age is better. Children learn more quickly than adults, and using the mime game has seen excellent results. Kids learn the art of expressing without words in our training program and use it with others to learn new words and improve English fluency.

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Understanding Mime Act - Expressing Without Words

We must have all seen mimes being performed in various stages. It is an act of using gestures to express an idea, word, or name. We see them dressed peculiarly and using a lot of white makeup on their faces. They are mime artists who are trained to express without using any words. These experts are trained to use only gestures and facial expressions for expressing ideas. This art has been effectively used to teach children in schools. Teachers in our course learn the use of mime techniques to teach English to kids.

Mime has been in use for ages, and it is believed that people used this method to communicate before languages were invented. Even today, you can see those that have speech or hearing impairments communicate using gestures and facial expressions. They are taught specific symbols that represent words or phrases. The person who performs the act is also called a mime. Many people are trained in telling whole stories using this technique. Our trainers learn the art of expressing without words to teach English to your kids because it is more interesting.

Become A Master In Expression Without Words With Our Course

You can learn how to mime by enrolling in our online course. There are various ways in which you can teach English to kids using this technique. You can start by using gestures to give directions to the kids. You can show the gesture to sit down and ask them what it means. This will be an interesting way to teach them without them feeling bored. You can practice this at school because there are a lot of instructions and directions that we give to children every day. They will remember what they have learned because of the gestures.

Using gestures has been found to accelerate the learning process. Instead of translating local language words into English, you can use hand and facial movements to convey a message. In our course, we provide mime guidance that are very useful for trainers who are teaching English to young children. You can also improve the vocabulary of children with this method. You don't have to express directions all the time. You can start a mime act to express various emotions and tell children the English word for such emotions. This will greatly improve their word knowledge.

Role-playing is an excellent way to teach English to kids. It takes out the boredom of learning a language. When you use the mime act of expressing without words, students become more involved in the learning process. Our trainers use this art to convey dialogues and ask the child to reply in English. They can take up interesting plays and turn them into a teaching process. Kids become more involved in the act. As you turn the learning process into a game, children learn the language without realising that they are being taught.

Want your kid to use mime act of expressing without words? Enroll your kid at PlanetSpark right away! 

The Benefit Of Using Mime Games To Teach

One of the biggest advantages of using expressions without words is that the learning process becomes a game that children will willingly participate in. When you make it a competitive activity, it becomes more interesting and exciting for the children. They will make extra efforts to translate your expressions into words. Grammar is always a boring subject, and teachers find it very difficult to teach this to young kids. You can use the mime technique to teach them grammar. Showing different actions and asking children to say them correctly in English makes them experts in grammar.

Another benefit of using this technique is that the children will also learn the right gestures to be used when speaking. When you learn the use of mime techniques, you are also teaching children the use of gestures in speech. Body language and gestures are crucial for public speaking. They will help to reinforce a point that is being spoken. Using this method to teach English at a young age will help teach them the use of gestures in public speaking.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Mime

  • Why is using gestures better than words in teaching?

Using gestures when teaching English is better than words because they will remain in the students' minds for longer. This method also makes learning more interesting. Parents can get their children more involved in the learning process with mime techniques.

  • What five rules must actors follow when using mime in drama?

i) Actors must use facial expressions during mime because that will indicate the emotion

ii) Actions must be clear so that the audience can understand what the actor is trying to convey.

iii) There must be a beginning, a middle portion, and an end to the act.

iv) The actor must face the audience and show the actions only to them

v) There must be no talking in mime techniques.

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