How to Spark It

Fri, 23 Jul, 2021

10 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Concentration and Performance!

Kid's concentration


Children, unlike adults, are not wired to sit still and focus on one job. Kids are naturally energetic and vibrant. If an activity is not enjoyable, they are easily distracted or bored. Although this is a natural trait of every child, concentration is an essential aspect of learning, and over time all kids need to build concentration levels. Here are some simple techniques to improve concentration in kids –

Play Focus Games and Exercises to Build Attention

Children learn best when playing. Instead of allowing your child to play with gadgets, include the following activities into playtime to improve concentration and memory.

Thinking Games

Choose games that require thinking and planning to play with your children. They include crossword puzzles, quiz games, jigsaw puzzles, and spot-the-difference games.


Concentration is an integral part of sequencing games. Step-by-step activities like following a recipe or arranging things in alphabetical order can help your child improve concentration.

Tongue Twisters

Getting a tongue twister right requires focus and concentration. Challenge your children with a new tongue twister every day. Offer rewards for getting it right.

Memory Games

Memory games wherein children need to remember a long sequence of names or items help boost concentration. Pick a theme, then you and your child can take turns to add a series of items to that theme.

Healthy Diet

Diet is key to the physical and mental development of your children. Eating child brain development foods such as fruits, greens and lean meats can make them active, observant and focused. On the other hand, a high-carb and sugar diet can make them slow and distracted.

A Distraction-Free Environment

Think about the environment your child spends their day in. Keep their surroundings free of distractions like mobile phones and tablets. Instead, keep objects of constructive activity like crayons, books, and jigsaw puzzles in easy-to-access spots.

Daily Routine

Maintaining a daily routine with fixed bedtimes and mealtimes can improve your kids’ concentration abilities. Get them accustomed to focusing on one activity at the same time daily.

Good Sleep

Proper rest is essential for your child’s energy, mood, and focus. Sleep enhances memory consolidation or the creation of long-lasting memories. A good night’s sleep is vital for improving a kid’s concentration.

Dividing Tasks & Setting Priorities

Children may find big tasks daunting and may decide not to make an effort. Divide large tasks into smaller parts to help your child find a sense of progress.

Setting Short Term Goals

Setting achievable goals for the short term can motivate your child to work hard. It includes goals for completing homework, household chores and projects. Offer rewards for goals achieved.


Observe your child and find better ways for them to relax. Introduce them to simple meditation and deep breathing techniques that help improve a kid’s concentration.

Physical Games

Physical activity is just as crucial for the overall development of kids as mental activities. Outdoor games with concentration activities for kids can elevate their mood and improve focus.

Setting a Time Limit for Tasks

Setting a time limit for simple tasks such as homework can help improve concentration in kids. Offer a reward for assignments completed on time and help your child focus.


Developing any skill, including concentration in kids, needs time and persistence. Make consistent efforts and observe which techniques suit your child more. Combining playtime with child concentration exercises can help your kids have fun as they learn. Do you have any unique methods to improve concentration in kids? Tell us all about it. Get in touch today!