Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 15 Feb, 2021

How will PlanetSpark’s Vocabulary course enhance your child's vocabulary!

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Imagine your child graduating from a prestigious college and getting the job of their dreams. Do you know what stands between your child and this dream? The English language. Your child is growing up in a world where English is one of the primary languages of communication. Therefore, it has become crucial to master the language. What are you waiting for? Join the Vocabulary Development Course now.

Whether you are a parent or an educator, you have a daunting task in front of you. English is the lingua franca, but it still takes years to become fully proficient. To retain students' interest and motivation in this course and to push on toward proficiency, you need to find ways for students to connect with and enjoy learning vocabulary.

PlanetSpark is a place where kids learn English vocabulary fast. In addition to the vocabulary lessons, this course incorporates engaging videos, colorful images, interactive quizzes, and contests. Your kids will surely enjoy our creative educational content. PlanetSpark is the No. 1 place for children to learn English quickly and thoroughly.

English Vocabulary Course For Kids

Developing vocabulary is crucial to learning reading skills. To make sense of the words they see in print, beginners must use the words they hear and read.

What happens to beginners when they encounter the word 'dig' in a book? The reader can recognize this familiar word, composed of sounds represented by the letters d, i, and g. They begin to figure out the sounds. But letters that are not already a part of their spoken vocabulary could be more challenging for them.

Furthermore, many English words have more than one plausible phonetic pronunciation. And as children learn to read longer and more complex terms, it could get challenging. The word canopy could be pronounced as cuh-NOP-ee rather than CAN-up-ee. The word timid could be pronounced with the long 'i' in the first syllable (like time - id) rather than the short 'i'. It is easier for children to read these words correctly if they are already a part of their oral vocabulary.

Reading comprehension also depends heavily on vocabulary. Without knowing the meaning of a word, the reader cannot understand what they are reading. Reading advanced texts requires children to add new words to their vocabulary. If you want your child to develop vocabulary and master English Language, BOOK a FREE Class NOW!

Types of Vocabulary

There are four types of vocabulary.

  • Listening vocabulary: the words we need to know to understand what we hear.

  • Reading language: the terms we can read and understand.

  • Speaking language: the words we use when we speak.

  • Writing vocabulary: the words we use in writing.

Using listening and speaking vocabulary assessment is highly recommended in assessing the vocabulary of the readers who are at the beginning of their language learning or those that are struggling. A written evaluation of vocabulary illogically confounds vocabulary knowledge with reading skills.

Students who struggle with decoding might get a low score on a vocabulary test that requires reading. Still, it may be challenging to determine whether this reflects their decoding difficulty or merely because they could not read the words on the test.

Why English Vocabulary is Important

Developing good communication skills and getting ready for a successful career is easy with the English vocabulary-building course for kids. Your child will gain many benefits from it, such as:

  • Improved listening skills.

  • A better comprehension of what others are saying to them.

  • Increased confidence.

  • A better understanding of what others want from them.

Linguist David Wilkins made a profound observation regarding the importance of vocabulary: "without grammar, it is difficult to communicate, and without vocabulary, it is impossible to communicate."

People need words to express themselves no matter where they live. Among learners, too, vocabulary acquisition is considered essential. Students often have difficulty speaking English fluently. Some children find writing or talking exhausting because they tend to use the same expressions and words repeatedly. For some, their conversation often gets interrupted or affected because they could miss something that is being said to them.

Lack of vocabulary is one of the leading causes of such communication problems. Some students tend to forget the words soon after knowing their meaning, causing a hindrance to vocabulary development. Those who learn more words will find memorizing them a lot simpler.

When it comes to improving students' vocabulary, the teacher plays a crucial role. While some teachers do not give enough importance to their students' extensive English vocabulary building, some fail to address the problems they face during vocabulary building.

In the past, English was taught using methods like Direct Method and Audiolingualism. These methods emphasized the need to teach grammar. So even though some new words were introduced, the focus was on grammatical structures, not vocabulary development.

In the 1970s, English teaching methods went through several changes. The Communicative Approach of teaching became popular, and the emphasis shifted to the importance of teaching vocabulary. Teachers started exposing students to diverse vocabulary and speaking activities. They introduced many new words during such courses, and students were encouraged to express themselves.

Today, there is a lot more freedom to choose a teaching method. Both vocabulary and grammar structures are being incorporated into the English syllabus. Usually, a certain number of classrooms are allotted for each item on the syllabus, so teachers have adequate time to insist on teaching vocabulary and making the students practice it. Teachers now emphasize vocabulary building, alongside grammar, collocations, and word frequency. Despite all the positive changes, students still find it difficult to express themselves coherently. Some still find speaking tedious.

Why PlanetSpark for Vocabulary Development Course

PlanetSpark's English vocabulary-building course will help your child succeed at school - academically and socially.

The best way for kids to learn is through games and fun activities. Your child will master the essentials of reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar with these English vocabulary classes for kids. Students need these skills to succeed in all aspects of schoolwork, from science and math to reading. Using these skills in everyday life, your child will also become a skilled communicator.

They'll also find that expressing and learning new words is fun! The learning process is designed to engage and stimulate children so that they develop a love for language and learning. It will make learning fun for them.

Improving verbal communication skills can lead to an increase in self-esteem for children who take vocabulary-building courses. The ability to learn words can enhance your child's self-confidence, expand their worldview, and allow them to open their minds to new worlds through reading, movies, and even video games!

The child will also learn public speaking skills by taking the vocabulary-building course.

Vocab Wonder


  • Vocabulary Basics

  • Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Homonyms and Homophones

  • Homographs

  • Similes and Metaphors

  • Idioms

Benefits of English Vocabulary Building Courses

A student who does not comprehend words will not be able to understand others or express their ideas.

Vocabulary is essential in studying language, arts, social studies, science, and mathematics. A student's success in school is linked to compelling reading and writing skills.

In most cases, studies have shown that students need to see, read, and interact with words about 5 to 7 times before they encode those words into long-term memory. It is easier for your child to learn words if they are actively involved - drawing a picture of the word, writing the definition, thinking of an example sentence, etc. Simply repeating the word over and over makes it feel like the child knows the word.

What are the Benefits of a Rich Vocabulary?

Vocabulary-building courses are commonly thought of as something that only adults do. But more parents and teachers realize that children can learn new English words rapidly and absorb new information quickly. Since their brains are still developing, children can memorize many new words.

One of the benefits of this course is improvement in communication skills. So, English vocabulary-building courses are beneficial to kids planning to move to a new country. It will help them make friends and get comfortable in their new environment. They will comprehend the lessons better and get better grades in school.

Most importantly, they will have better job prospects in the future. Many companies prefer candidates who can speak more than one language as they may need to travel abroad for business meetings or interact with clients from other countries.

A strong vocabulary is key to understanding what others are saying and what they are reading. When your child encounters unfamiliar words, the text becomes unclear, and your child cannot know what they are reading.

The training helps them grasp concepts and think logically. If your child has a lot of words in their kitty, they will be able to interpret other people's ideas and express their own.

It also strengthens your child's persuasion skills. A rich vocabulary is essential to communicate effectively. And a vocabulary of 10-15 similarly descriptive terms will be more persuasive than one or two words describing an idea. Your child's speaking and comprehension skills significantly impact how they are perceived. Improve your child’s speaking and comprehension skills. BOOK a FREE Class NOW!


In today's times, English has become a critical language and essential for better future prospects - personally and professionally. Young minds are like sponges, and taking an English vocabulary course at an early age can help kids develop their speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills quickly.

PlanetSpark's English vocabulary-building course is engaging and interactive, making learning fun for your child. There is no greater gift that a parent can give their child than the knowledge that can help them expand their minds.


  • What is the format of the English Vocabulary Building Course?

Studying online is facilitated by Live Online Classes and Online Activities. This course emphasizes the four essential language skills that improve English language skills - speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

  • Can my child get a free session of the course?

By signing up, you will be able to receive a free trial or sample session. Click here to book the free demo session.

  • How will the English Vocabulary course help my kids?

Your kids will gain confidence and improve their speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills through the course. While attending the live classes, they will have plenty of chances to practice their speaking skills and receive feedback from the teacher. By taking this course, your children will enhance their fluency, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and pronunciation, making them confident speakers.

  • Will my grammar and vocabulary improve with these courses?

You will get plenty of practice exercises, as well as guidance and feedback from your teacher in our courses to help you improve your grammar and vocabulary.

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