
Tue, 14 Dec, 2021

Ignorance Can Be Bliss: When Less Knowledge Is More!

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“Ignorance is Bliss” this idiom can be true for some and vice versa. I believe knowledge about a handful of topics is good. Knowing what is happening around us prepares us better to face life challenges.

Moreover, it also boosts our creativity and problem-solving skills. But even after knowing everything taking place in our surroundings, can we prevent the problems from popping up in our lives? I would say no.  

Excess Knowledge Can be Harmful.

A confident man

People want to stay updated about every single event happening in the world. It can affect them in several ways and may create ripples in their lives. The result is anxiety, depression, and fear.

I also feel that excess knowledge transforms people into machines. They start becoming more calculative and cunning while making life decisions. It can also detach them emotionally from the community or society.

Therefore, I feel it is better to remain grounded and ignorant. This process keeps me closer to my roots and maintains my peace of mind. It also helps me connect with other people better.

Times When Ignorance Can be a Bliss

Here are some examples that prove how ignorance can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

  • Ignorance can be bliss for small children who do not know the cost of a trip to Disneyland. Being ignorant will help them cherish every moment spent in Disneyland.

  • Similarly, ignorance can be bliss for a budding businessman who is unaware of the risks associated with a particular business model. It will allow him to give his 100% to the business. And this positive approach and determination can make him successful in the future.

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  1. What are the benefits of staying ignorant?

  • Peace of mind

  • Higher productivity

  • Better relations

  1. Is ignorance blissful forever?

Not always. It is better to have some facts and data in your hand for better performance or presentation.

  1. Can we control the future by knowing all the facts?

Unfortunately, no. Knowing and thinking about everything that is happening around you will only make you more depressed and anxious.

  1. Is ignorance good for students?

Ignorance is bliss for the students who are unaware of the grades and performances of their classmates. It allows them to give 100% to their preparations and increases their chances of scoring good marks.

  1. Are well-informed people more calculative and cunning?

Yes, they can use the information to manipulate the situation and fulfil their selfish motives.

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