Writers Guild

Tue, 23 Nov, 2021

Imagine your family ruled over an ancient kingdom. What would life be like as a prince or princess?

Many people are mesmerised by looking at the ancient kingdoms and thinking, what would their life be? Does this thought come to your mind as well? Well, this thought has been coming to my mind for a few days now and here is what I think.

Life seems magical, full of fun and luxury, as a King or Queen, doesn't it? Although they are also humans like us, their lives are absolutely different from most of us. But, if I were a king or queen, there are a few things that I would focus on, like being fair and impartial, keeping patience and feeling concerned for the people of my state.

Life as a king or queen will be full of glory, discipline, and most importantly, you need to ensure that you should not do anything wrong as for your state, you are the idol.

Let us imagine the schedule of a prince/princess. Waking up in a beautiful royal palace in itself gives such a luxurious feel. Then you have loads of people surrounded by you, who will do everything you want from them—getting ready with clothes made up of the best available material in the country and beautiful gold ornaments.

The meals comprise numerous relishing food items served on silver plates. Just imaging gives such a good feeling. There are always people around; they will pamper you and obey all your instructions. All in all, it seems larger-than-life. 

The truth is that the life of a king or queen is not as easy as it seems; along with privileges come sacrifice and a few disadvantages as well. 

Okay, so the first thing is that you will have to be well-disciplined whenever you go out or around the city; also, you will have to protect your kingdom and fight for it if someone attacks your state.

Plus, you will be responsible for increasing the wealth and trade of the kingdom. So, as a king, you should never let the pride of the kingdom fall and take care of every individual.

Along with so many benefits, there will be many responsibilities. But, as it is said, live life king size; therefore, your life will be full of pleasure, gratification and luxuriousness.

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