Grammar Fanatic

Wed, 03 Mar, 2021

Learn Everything about Nouns in 5 minutes!

Linked Table of Contents:

Learn Everything Related to Nouns:

Nouns in the English language are words used to name a person, place, animal, things, or even abstract ideas. These words are part of speech that play as the basic information to learn the English language.

For kids, using nouns correctly in English is simple. However, with learning standard rules and exceptions, using nouns in constructing sentences helps in taking command of the English language as well as building confidence. Want your child to speak confidently and fluently? Book a FREE Confidence Building Class NOW!

To make it more simple, we have categorised the whole noun syllabus class-wise. Following these will help the students to understand everything related to Nouns and take a step higher in their academic sessions.


English Grammar Noun for Class 1

English Grammar noun for Class 2

English Grammar Noun for Class 3

English Grammar Noun for Class 4

English Grammar Noun for Class 5

English Grammar Noun for Class 6

English Grammar Noun for Class 7


  1. What are nouns?

Nouns are words that are used as the name of a person, place, animal, or thing. They are also called “naming words” in a sentence. Here are a few examples of the use of nouns in a sentence.

  1. Is there a noun that describes both males and females?

Yes, we call it a Common Gender noun that denotes either male or female gender. Primarily, these nouns are used for both genders. Examples of these nouns include singer, artist, producer, children, animal, servant, dander, etc. 

  1. What is the role of a noun in a sentence?

A noun is the subject or topic in a sentence that is being talked about.

Learnt about nouns but want to learn about the English Language in detail? Why not try a FREE Class with our Language Expert! 

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