Master the art of Narrative Writing with expert tips!

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Narrative writing is primarily about captivating the minds of the readers with one’s flair for storytelling. Narrative writing involves recounting a real experience or constructing a story based on fictional or real events in sequential order. Planetspark’s Narrative Writing Prompts for class 5 can help young students hone their narrative writing skills and become more expressive, making them competent writers who can delight, motivate and enlighten their readers.

Narrative Writing Genres

Narrative writing primarily refers to narrating or telling an incident or experience through the narrator’s point of view, and different narrative structures give rise to different types of narrative writing genres like fantasy, mystery, adventure, fairy tale, love story, fable, science fiction, etc. 

Some Tips For Developing Narrative Writing Skills Among Students

  • Encouraging oral storytelling and reading and listening to stories

  • Fostering creativity by idea generation and freewriting exercises

  • Training students to be observant about elements of tone, word choice, perspective etc.

  • Carving out distinctive characters through the thoughtful choice of words, thoughts and actions and reactions of the characters to the events of the plot

  • Providing students with an exemplary narrative structure with an interesting beginning that evokes anticipation, a middle with dramatic action and a thought-provoking ending that ties up the loose ends

  • Using vivid, descriptive language to make the reader experience the scene through an immersive sensory experience

  • Use of literary devices to adorn and enliven one’s writing

  • Adding interesting dialogues to make the narrative more lively

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The Personal Narrative Writing Style

The personal narrative writing style uses a first-person narrative point of view. The speaker’s word choice, perspectives and emotions about other characters and their own are often revealed to the audience to gain empathy or make them relatable to the readers. The following are some examples of first-person narrative writing prompts for 5th graders.

  • Example 1: You always wanted to undertake an adventurous journey, and you finally got the opportunity to go on one when you got selected for a mountaineering trek to Mount Everest by the National Geographic Society! Narrate your experience with a focus on your journey, the accompanying difficulties and the breathtaking landscape and the emotions it evoked in you on achieving such a remarkable feat.

  • Example 2: You are a Ravi, a young trash picker and a dweller of Dharavi, one of Asia’s largest slums. You struggle to survive in this world and live in the constant fear of your home being bulldozed by the Mumbai Airport authority. One day, you find a stash of gold in a trash can near the garbage dump. Write about your experience, emphasising your emotions on finding the hidden treasure, the struggle to keep it safe and the promise it holds to transform your life.

  • Example 3: “The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break a heart.” Tell about a time when you said something you wish you had not.

  • Example 4: You have always been a fan of the paranormal, haunted places and mysterious events. You were looking forward to visiting Purgatory Scream Park, the new horror-themed attraction in your city, over the weekend. But to your disappointment, your parents told you that you were going to spend your weekend at your grandparents’ old farmhouse instead. However, at your grandparents’ house, you discover a mysterious object in the attic. Your vacation is instantly transformed from boring to thrilling as you are transported to Purgatory—only this time, it’s real! Narrate the awe-inspiring and bone-chilling experience with graphic detail, the tumultuous emotions you felt during this journey, and how you hatched a plan to get back.

  • Example 5: Stepping out of your comfort zone is the beginning of learning a new skill. Recall an incident or experience that taught you something new.

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The Third-Person Narrative Writing Style 

The third-person narrative writing style helps create a sense of narrative distance between the characters and imbues the narrative with a sense of objectivity. Some third-person narrative writing prompts for grade 5 are given below.

  • Example 1: Imagining yourself to be the author of your favourite book, rewrite a chapter and change the story arc by having the characters make different choices from the original and devise an alternate ending to the story.

  • Example 2: Develop a narrative story based on the proverb, ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’

  • Example 3: Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’ is about making uncommon choices and following one’s heart. Write a story about an instance when making such a choice significantly impacted the main character’s life.

  • Example 4: ‘Failures are stepping stones to success.’ Write a story showing the importance of failures in developing strength of character and their role in teaching invaluable life lessons.

  • Example 5: Economic disparities are a part of our life in the world. Narrate a story where a financially weak person showed such exemplary strength of character that the priciest of jewels cannot buy.

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Narrative writing prompts serve as a vital tool in teaching creative writing to students of class 5 by helping students develop insights, suspense, mystery, drama, fantasy etc., in their writing. Developing a proper set of rubrics for assessing their work can help use these prompts to the fullest.


  1. What are the various types of narrative writing?

Narratives can be linear or nonlinear, have a narrator with an unreliable or limited point of view etc. Each of these literary manoeuvres creates an interesting and unique effect. Narrative writing can encompass both fiction and non-fiction. It could also be fiction based on historical facts, a story inspired by real life or semi-autobiographical in nature or real events retold in a dramatised manner.

  1. What is the importance of narrative writing prompts in teaching creative writing?

Narrative writing prompts are especially helpful in provoking students to think deeply about a topic and spark their creativity. Narrative writing prompts direct students to incorporate real experiences, memories and their own views in their writing in a narrative form. They help the learners develop their story and form a connection with their narrative.

  1. What writing styles are the readers exposed to in the Creative Writing course at Planetspark?

Planetspark’s innovative creative writing curriculum focuses on a variety of writing types, namely narrative writing, descriptive writing, mystery writing and fantasy story writing, that help budding writers experiment with different writing styles.

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