Life at PlanetSpark

Tue, 10 Jan, 2023

Communicate with Confidence: A PlanetSpark Review

  • How to improve the body language of students? 

It is important to pay attention to kids’ body language from an early age. Those kids who are shy at expressing themselves start avoiding eye contact and slouching their bodies while speaking to someone. You can point out the signs of bad body language to them. PlanetSpark public speaking reviews show learners’ growth and improvement in body language. Now they can address any number of people with confidence.

  • What are the advantages of learning daily conversation skills? 

Daily conversation skills are necessary for effective communication on a day to day basis. When kids are young, they need to be prepared for situation-based conversations to respond to new and unexpected circumstances in the best possible manner. Many kids at PlanetSpark have taken this course to sharpen their communication skills. The PlanetSpark reviews by parents and kids have highlighted many benefits experienced by the kids after joining the course.

  • What do kids learn in the communication skills course at PlanetSpark?

The communication skills course at PlanetSpark aims for every learner to become an effective orator. Communication skills are required during the whole lifetime, whether the child is in school or reaches the higher pedestals. So, we aim to equip every child with new-age skills so that they become able to overcome any challenge. The PlanetSpark public speaking reviews mention how this course has boosted many children’s confidence and transformed them into excellent speakers.

Want your kid to be an excellent Speaker? Register at PlanetSpark NOW!

  • How can the creative writing course at PlanetSpark help my child?

The creative writing course at PlanetSpark focuses on developing your child's reading and writing abilities. First, the students will learn comprehensive reading techniques to learn how to appreciate literary texts and then they will engage in various activities to hone their creative writing skills. Many learners in the PlanetSpark creative writing reviews have expressed how they can write in sophisticated sentence structures and seen immense improvement in their grades.

  • How to develop my child’s creative writing skills?

The best ways to develop creative writing skills in children are: 

i) Develop their reading habits.

ii) Gift them a journal to write about their daily experiences.

iii) Ask them to write their ideas and opinions about something that interests them.

iv) Check their sentence structures and make suggestions.

v) Teach them with patience.

  • What is taught in the phonics course at PlanetSpark?

The spelling and phonics course at PlanetSpark aims to develop phonemic awareness in children to enhance their reading and speaking abilities at an early age. They are taught different spellings and sounds so that reading new and difficult words does not pose a challenge for them in the future. Parents have written satisfied remarks in the PlanetSpark phonics reviews mentioning the benefits their children have experienced after attending the classes.

  • What are the benefits of the spelling and phonics course at PlanetSpark? 

i) Children are made aware of the speech sound patterns of the different words.

ii) Learning about phonics makes it easy for the students to read and remember new words.

iii) The children learn in a playful way to make the learning process interesting.

iv) They get a personalised learning environment.

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