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Mon, 05 Apr, 2021

Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 1 Kids to Excel in Language Skills!

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About Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 1 Kids 

As kids, rhythm and rhyme classes used to be our favorites because we remembered them thoroughly and sang to them. This is why the rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 in English is important. 

As parents, we would want our child to remember certain things, just the way we still remember ‘Twinkle twinkle little stars’. It is from the best rhythm and rhyme class for class 1 that children learn different rhymes and slowly develop the habit of singing to them. When they learn rhythm and rhyme for class 1, they gradually develop language and syllables. 

Rhythm and rhyme class for grade 1 are specially curated to nurture young children to develop correct language skills and so that their English root skills. It is through a class 1 rhythm and rhyme development course that children build their vocabulary levels since they learn a lot of new words. 

In a class 1 rhythm and rhyme development class, children get introduced to numerous rhymes through different poem books, songs, verses, storybooks, and more. The more they find these intriguing, they will continue to read more of them. Rhythm and rhyme training for class 1 at PlanetSpark offers kids puzzles and crosswords that they solve to find the correct answers.

Book a FREE class with PlanetSpark’s rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 kids and make your child excel in language skills today!

Benefits of PlanetSpark Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 1 Kids

Rhythm and Rhyme course for class 1

PlanetSpark rhythm and rhyme Training for class 1 in English are often considered one of the best rhyme classes because of the diverse facilities it offers. Starting from online classes to post-teaching inquiries, adaptable class timings, and more. Let us study the same.

  1. Productive Teaching Approaches

PlanetSpark’s rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 in English is designed to teach younger students to gain ideas about the different types of contexts, words, and phrases. The teaching approaches include:

  • Reading from diverse poem books, storybooks, verses, and more

  • Singing and reading from the books

  • Offering crosswords and puzzles for kids to solve

  • Offer resources like rhyming dictionaries, clipping cards, and lap books

  1.  Learning Through Numerous Rhyming Lists

PlanetSpark developed English rhythm and rhyme for class 1st with numerous rhyming lists. Rhyming lists with the sound of ‘an’, ‘at’, ‘ap’, ‘ar’, ‘all’, ‘am’, ‘ab’, and more. The list includes words like:

  • An - Ban, can, fan

  • At - Cat, fat, bat

  • Ap - Tap, cap, gap

  • Am - Jam, yam, tram

  • Ab - Cab, dab, drab

  • Ar - Bar, car, jar

  1. Follows 3 Steps to Rhyme Learning

PlanetSpark rhythm and rhyme Training for class 1 in English follows three steps in teaching rhyming to those young kids. 

  • Introduction: We introduce the basics of rhyming, reading, and singing poems

  • Recollection: In this stage, your kids get to recognize the rhymes that they learned in the previous step

  • Creation: In this step, ask your kids to identify the words when you’re playing with them

  1. Flexible Classes

One great facility when you learn Rhythm and rhyme for class 1 at PlanetSpark is that we offer flexible classes depending on the availability of the students. 

  1. 1:1 Teaching Module

There are many students who are not comfortable studying in groups, and for them, this is the perfect option. Our rhythm and rhyme class for grade 1 is conducted on a 1:1 basis where students are analyzed thoroughly. 

Therefore, when you’re searching for ‘Rhythm and rhyme class near me for class 1’ ensure they are online, offer adaptability, have a comprehensive curriculum, and more. Or simply enroll in PlanetSpark!

Click here and book a FREE class NOW to get the best benefits of PlanetSpark’s rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 kids today!

 Importance of Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 1 Kids 

Rhythm and Rhyme course for class 1

Rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 is beneficial for kids in order to remember important things in a fun way. Let us study some of its importance. 

  1. First Step for Kids to Learn a Language

Through our rhythm and rhyme online classes for class 1 in English, kids can get introduced to a new language by singing the rhymes, and reading it aloud by themselves, and these repetitive words stick to their minds. 

  1. Children Get Introduced to New Words

When children learn rhythm and rhyme for class 1, they tend to learn new words. Since rhymes are generally very musical and catchy, they remember the words. 

  1. Learn Vocabulary Easily

Through rhyming, children get attracted to different vocabulary. For instance, rhyming words like rat, bat, cat, and mat are easier to remember, and kids love them too. 

  1. Ability to Spell New Words

Rhyming makes it effortless for children to spell new words that they otherwise might have issues with. Rhythm and rhyme class for grade 1 is helpful in developing spelling knowledge. 

For more information about our rhythm and rhyme course for class 1 kids, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach rhythm and rhyme?

To teach rhythm and rhyme, you need to read aloud the rhymes and sing the poems verses, and encourage kids to sing along. 

  1. What is rhythm and rhyme for kids?

Rhythm and rhyme is a way to encourage kids to remember poems, learn vocabulary, get introduced to English, and more. 

  1. What are rhyming words for Grade 1?

Rhyming words for grade 1 include cat, mat, bat, rat, and more. It generally includes sounds of ‘an’, ‘ar’, ‘ap’, etc. 

  1. How do you teach class rhymes?

Class 1 Rhythm and Rhyme development class at PlanetSpark teaches rhymes through the following steps:

  • Reading rhyming books

  • Play games with your child

  • Play crosswords

  1. How do you explain rhythm to a child?

You can explain rhythm to a child by getting them into rhythm practice, keeping it simple, adding languages, and adding musical instruments as well.

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