
Mon, 16 Jan, 2023

Should Boys and Girls be Taught in Separate Classrooms?

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Many people believe that since boys and girls are different physiologically and their requirements are different, separate classrooms are the right way to go. This argument is especially prominent when children reach puberty, additionally, in some religions, many prefer to teach boys and girls separately. 

Many also believe that if boys and girls are taught together they are bound to have physical relations, and hence it is safer to put them in separate classrooms. I personally disagree with the view that boys and girls should be put in separate classrooms.


Boys and girls in a classroom

The first reason I think boys and girls should be put in the same classroom is because both genders have a lot to learn from each other. When boys and girls learn and grow up in the same environment, there are a lot of diverse perspectives that each gender is exposed to, leading to a more wholesome  personality. 

Secondly, we live in a world where men and women interact constantly in every field. They compete like equals and use their strengths to be appreciated irrespective of their gender. In this day and age it is not feasible to send your children to only boys’ or only girls’ classrooms, because the moment they step out of the classroom for any other activity they are going to have to interact with people of the opposite gender. Hence putting them in separate classrooms will not stop the genders from having any contact with each other. 

Thirdly, the primary crux of the opinion that men and women should be put in different classrooms is that girls and boys in proximity are bound to have physical relations, an extremely conservative opinion.  It is a known fact that children feel the same amount of excitement and indulge in the same amount of physical intimacy even when they are put in single gender classrooms. They just indulge in it outside the classroom. 

In our day and age all children are involved in many different activities and sports apart from the classroom, so putting them in separate classrooms will not stop them from interacting with each other.

Finally, it is also important to notice that if the argument is related to changes that occur within children during puberty, this is the 21st century: every gender should get the requisite sex education and knowledge about the physiological changes that each gender goes through. It is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide.

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  1. Should boys and girls be taught in the same classrooms or separate classrooms?

Boys and girls should be taught in the same classrooms to facilitate diversity and equal opportunities for everyone.

  1. What is the benefit of teaching boys and girls in the same classrooms?

 If taught in the same classrooms, boys and girls would be able to socialise with the opposite gender in a healthy way.

  1. What is the benefit of teaching boys and girls in separate classrooms?

Since physically boys and girls are different, in some cases, separate classrooms make it better for both the genders to grow and develop as per their physiology.

  1. What is the disadvantage of teaching boys and girls in the same classrooms?

Teaching boys and girls in the same classrooms can, in some cases, lead to distractions.

  1. What is the disadvantage of teaching boys and girls in separate classrooms?

Teaching boys and girls in different classrooms can lead to less socialising between the both genders.

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