
Mon, 14 Mar, 2022

Should celebrities who break the law receive stiffer penalties?

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Celebrities are loved by the common people, who see them as role models of sorts. Young children look up to their celebrities as idols and try to imitate them. They show interest in watching their favourite celebrity interview and pick up on their advice for food, fashion, and everyday living. 

But celebrities are humans too, and they might make mistakes just like the rest of us. Does their responsibility to their followers and fans mean they should be perfect? And if they break the law, should they be allowed to use their influence to avoid harsh punishments?

Here is what we at PlanetSpark have to say!

Celebrities Breaking The Law

A few well-known examples of celebrities who broke the law are Justin Bieber and Salman Khan, amongst many others. Popstar, Bieber, was accused of several crimes like reckless driving, etc. He even pleaded guilty to it and ended up going to jail. He paid a bond of $2500 and got released. 

Similarly, Salman Khan also broke the law when he lost control of the car he was driving and injured and killed several people. But the Mumbai High Court granted him bail.

Celebrities Should Be Accountable

Salman Khan's case was reopened only 13 years later – and he was finally found guilty. He only spent a few days in jail before he was released on bail.

Celebrities should be accountable for their actions. If they are not, it sends a message to the public that those with money and status need not follow the law. Celebrities should be sorry for their wrongdoings. If they break the law repeatedly, then the punishment should match the level of the crime.

Not getting punished for their respective crimes will leave a wrong impression on the public. While some might look down upon them, others might idolise their sinful deeds!

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Justice Should Be Equal

Celebrities have money and connections in high places that help them get off with a mere warning. This is not the case for the commoner and is, thus, extremely unfair. Celebrities need not be punished MORE than the common people, but the penalty should be EQUAL for all.


  1. How are celebrities usually punished when they break the law?

In many countries, they get treated just like anyone else. In others, they are treated with leniency. Salman Khan has been accused of a laundry list of crimes, yet his status as one of India’s celebrities has kept him safe. 

  1. Why should celebrities be accountable for their actions?

We should all be accountable for our actions. Irrespective of who we are and what we do. There should never be a double standard for justice. 

  1. Should celebrities be punished more than regular citizens?

The penalty should be the same for everyone. Justin Bieber was caught drag racing and was also accused of resisting arrest. If it had been anyone else, they would likely have ended up in jail. He got off with anger management classes.  This should not be the case.

  1. Name two celebrities who broke the law.

The popular actor Sanjay Dutt was punished and served time. Will Smith broke the law when he slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. However, Rock has not pressed charges. 

  1. How do young children look up to celebrities?

Young children often see celebrities as superheroes or people whom they want to be like. This is a significant reason to back the argument for equal punishment for all. You cannot set double standards for children.

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