
Mon, 27 Dec, 2021

Should People Convicted of Drug Possession be Sent to Recovery Programs Instead of Jail?

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Possession, consumption, buying, and selling of drugs are illegal around the world. If a person is found guilty of these, they may be punished with a fine or be sent to prison. The punishment depends on the substances and the activities they were involved in. 

But jail time does not offer the user a chance for rehabilitation and recovery, and they often end up using drugs over and over again, often attracting more legal action.

A Vicious Cycle

addiction of pills and cigarettes

Whether you are in the US, the UK, or India, the charges levied on a person will depend on the type and amount of drugs that were found in their possession. If they have a record, it may attract a bigger charge. Some may be asked to engage in community services, yet others may have to do jail time.  

A lot of these people have an addiction and prison allows them no time or access to rehabilitation. Drugs may find a way into jail as well, and the individual will continue to use them. This way, they do not get a chance to avoid this cycle of substance abuse and imprisonment. 

Acceptance in Society

Having a drug-related charge on your resume is not exactly what an employer is looking for. Such people may not find a willing landlord if they are looking to rent a place. A record of time spent in jail will make it more difficult for an individual to find their place in society. Drug users who are willing to fight addiction need to be treated differently from sellers and suppliers. Jail can add to the stigma of using drugs and deepen mental health issues.

A Court-Ordered Rehab

rehab patients putting hands together

Instead of sending an individual to jail, especially when no violent crime is involved, the person should be sent to a rehabilitation facility. Persons with addiction need treatment and intervention, else they may revert to their old ways. 

A court-mandated rehabilitation program can hand them the tools to fight addiction and lead a dignified life after recovery. They have better chances of finding employment. In a rehab facility, they will find the right environment, therapy, and counseling to overcome their addiction – something that is not possible in jail.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What does rehab mean?

The process of treating and rehabilitating a drug or alcohol abuser is called rehab. 

  1. How can drug-related crimes be reduced?

Drug-related crimes can be reduced by treatment of drug abusers, mental health programs, counseling, and support.

  1. What rehab has the highest success rate?

Around 80 percent of persons with addictions benefit through recovery and rehabilitation. Among states in the US, Florida has the highest success rate of drug rehab.

  1. Can you go to jail if you are involved with drugs?

You can face jail time if you are caught in possession of drugs or illegal substances. The punishment may be non-bailable.

  1. Is possession of drugs a crime in India?

Yes, drug possession is illegal in India and may attract a fine or imprisonment. It is illegal to consume, store, buy, sell or cultivate a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

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