
Tue, 23 Aug, 2022

Speech on the Importance of Water in Our Lives!

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Importance of water in our lives

Importance of Water

There isn't a day that could go by where we would live without water. Our body, food, and daily routines need water for sustenance. It is an essential requirement for our survival, progress, and safety. If we don't get access to clean water for a day, it can quickly bring chaos to our lives. 

However, most of us don't realise the importance of this resource because of its ready availability. You turn on the tap, and here it is, but it's not always that simple. Freshwater is a diminishing resource facing the brunt of exploitative and mindless use by humans.

97% of Earth's water is ocean water, 2% is the glaciers and ice caps, while the remaining 1% is what we have for the world's entire population. With the mindless usage and rapidly increasing population, it'll not come as a surprise if, one day, we run out of freshwater. 

Several countries are already facing droughts and scarcity, and there are predictions that the next world war could very well be the reason for scarcity of water resources. As individuals, we can take steps towards conserving this precious resource and saving our own lives and our future.

Water is crucial in every aspect of our lives, from daily household use to manufacturing processes for industries. Commercial activities like production, manufacturing, electricity generation, etc., rely on this resource. As an individual, you can make efforts to use water mindfully and prevent wastage

It can be simple steps like ensuring no leakages or reusing water. There's a crucial need to bring social media attention and organise seminars and drives for people to bring awareness to this alarming issue.

If we start taking efforts now, it'll help us save ourselves and our future generations. We will be paying the expenses of our ignorance and mindless usage of water soon if we don't realise the importance of conserving this fundamental resource and work towards saving it.

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  1. Why does Earth have water scarcity?

Ans: 97% of Earth's water isn't fit for use by humans as it is salty ocean water. The remaining 2% are the ice caps and glaciers, while we only have 1% for our use. With the rapid increase of the world's population, water scarcity has come forward.

  1. What is water pollution?

Ans: Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies through wastes and toxic materials.

  1. How to conserve water?

Ans: We can conserve water by simply practising mindful usage. It would be to avoid wastage and only use what we need for our daily routines.

  1. What could be the effects of water scarcity for humans?

Ans: Our body cannot sustain without water as it helps carry oxygen and nutrients to our body. A person can live without food for a few days but not water.

  1. How would water scarcity affect nations?

Ans: Apart from the loss of life, water scarcity can halt the entire industrial and commercial operations of a country. It can lead to huge losses and complete failure of a community structure for the nation.

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