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Wed, 24 Nov, 2021

Story Writing for Kids: Top 6 Tips To Follow

Story Writing for Kids Top 6 Tips To Follow

Story writing for kids is a fun way to let your child explore their creative mind alongside enhancing their academic knowledge.

However, no matter how fun writing might sound, it requires a lot of planning and research. From structuring a story to figuring out how it will end, the entire writing process needs to be formed thoughtfully. But why go through all the hassle?

Story writing can get your kids to put their thoughts into proper order and form proper words. It improves their vocabulary, which results in enhanced communication and listening skills.

Now that you are familiar with the benefits of story writing for kids, you can implement these six effective story writing tips:

1. Think of an Idea

Planning the central idea of your story is the first and foremost step of story writing. The central idea of a story is what will tempt your audience to read it.

To get your child a hang on story writing, you can get them started by reading them different storybooks. Stop reading in between and ask your child to predict what the ending would be like. Their alternate ending might be great material for a new storyline.

You can also encourage your child to write stories based on their own experiences at school or personal life, like losing their first tooth or going to the zoo for the first time.

2. Create a Character and a Setting

Once your kids are clear with the central idea of their story, they can further jump on to creating characters and their setting. They can create their own imaginative characters and the location they reside or get inspired by reading some books.

3. The Beginning

Every story requires a great beginning, and then it is divided into the middle and the ending.

Let your child explore different plotlines for their characters and brainstorm how their story will begin. Let their mind be surrounded with questions like: what’s so special about their characters? How do they introduce the audience to their characters and the plotline?

4. The Turning Point

The turning point in story writing is usually the middle part that turns your story interesting for the readers. It can either be a moment that makes your character realise their superpower or an unexpected twist that turns the character’s life upside down.

Your child needs to think of something that the readers would least expect in the storyline. The plotline does not always have to make sense - that is where your child’s imaginative skills are tested.

5. The Resolution

The story always needs to end with a resolution. Let your child pan out a meaningful conflict in their story and later link it with a purposeful resolution.

6. Plan Out an Engaging Ending

Every great story deserves a fantastic ending that will leave readers wanting to re-read it repeatedly. Let your child come up with alternative endings before they decide on how to end their story.

Let your child ask questions like: what happens when the character’s conflict gets resolved? Is there a moral lesson to the story? If yes, let them express it.

Story ideas for kids

Developing an entire storyline is quite a hassle, and it is okay if your child cannot complete an entire story on their first try.

If your child finds it difficult to brainstorm new ideas, here are some story ideas that they can add their creativity into.

  • What and how did you learn the greatest lesson of your life?
  • A recent achievement you accomplished in your life.
  • Write a story dedicated to your best friend.
  • Your greatest fear and how are you planning to overcome it.
  • Write about something that brings you great joy.
  • Write a story dedicated to the best teacher or mentor you have ever had so far in your life.
  • What hobby do you enjoy the most, and how did you get into it?
  • Write a short story of a modern-day sleeping beauty. This time it is about a girl who was in a coma for over ten years after a horrific car accident left her paralysed.
  • What if Cinderella had no fairy godmother and one of her ugly stepsisters married Prince Charming? How else could Cinderella change her life for the better?
  • Little Red Riding meets the wolf in the forest. Instead of being scared of him, they become close friends.

Story writing for kids will require a lot of patience and brainstorming sessions. Right from searching the topics to coming up with an intriguing end, the entire process of story writing is a great practice for improving your kid’s creative writing skills. Speaking of which, PlanetSpark is one such online platform that helps your child in improving their creative writing skills.

Enrolling your child in our creative writing classes can boost their imagination, broaden their thought process, and improve their problem-solving skills.