
Mon, 05 Sep, 2022

Tell Us What Makes You a Good Friend to Have!

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We make several friends at school and where we live. Some are talkative. Others are intelligent and playful. Then, there are the quiet and hardworking ones. But we all have a go-to friend with whom we share everything. What makes that person a good friend to have? These are some qualities that my friends like about me.

Ability To Listen

two friends in mountains

We all like to talk about our feelings. But the tricky part is to lend an ear to someone. We are impatient when it comes to listening to others. I am a good listener. Friends closest to me have talked about themselves, and I am patient with them. I rarely interrupt when they are telling me something. It allows me to understand their side of the story and respond objectively.


An important thing about being a friend is to be able to trust each other. Without trust, the bond of friendship is weak. I do not share with others what my friends have confided in me. I hate imagining someone doing it to me. My friends trust me, and so do I.


I am always willing to help my friends whenever they need me. One of my friends had missed out on the classes because she was ill. I not only shared my notes with her but also helped her complete the backlog of homework. My friends have done the same for me. Helping your friends is the best way to earn their trust.

Sharing Interest In Passion

A group of five friends

As friends, we may not share the same passion. What is important is that we take an interest in what they do. My best friend loves badminton. We end up playing the game on most weekends. I picked up badminton because she was good at it. And I wanted to share her passion for the game. Now, both of us enjoy the game.

Making Them Laugh

A good friend will always find ways to make you happy. Even on your worst days, they will make you smile. I try to calm my friends when they are sad about something. Once, my friend lost her parrot. It had managed to fly away. She was inconsolable. I brought her to my home and showed her a colony of parrots nesting in a Gulmohar tree outside. She went back home happy.


In my experience, being a good friend to someone requires you to be available for them when they need you. There is no greater joy than in sharing, whether food or joy. Good friends teach you that.

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  1. What are the qualities of a good friend?

A good friend will be loyal to you. You can trust your friend with anything. A good friend will be willing to share and help you in need.

  1. Can I make good friends in the neighbourhood?

Why not? You can find good friends anywhere. Some of your best moments happen where you live. They become memorable with good friends.

  1. Is sharing food in school a good practice?

Sharing your food with your friends at school is a good practice. You have to eat healthily and take care of hygiene when sharing food.

  1. Is it alright if I ask my friends to play a game I like?

Yes, it is alright to tell your friends what interests you. But you cannot force them to play against their wishes.

  1. Can my classmate who speaks less be a good friend?

Of course, they can. Speaking has got nothing to do with being a good friend. Also, those who speak less are usually great listeners.

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