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Fri, 20 Aug, 2021

Benefits of Visual learning Over Traditional Learning Style

Visual learning vs Traditional learning


With the ever-rising presence of visualization in every aspect of the digital world, its crucial role in education is not surprising. Visual learning has risen over traditional learning styles since it is easier to summarize content into smaller processable chunks, which children can easily retain. That is as opposed to rote learning in the traditional learning styles. Let us understand what the term exactly means. 

What is Visual learning? 

Visual learning is a teaching methodology that uses visual aids like images, graphics, colours, maps, etc., for different types of learners. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, learners in today's age have an average attention span of only 8 seconds. Hence, making the lesson content interactive and on-demand become non-negotiable. In addition to helping them retain the information, visual learning brings forth many other advantages. Read on. 

Benefits of visual learning over traditional learning styles – 

  1. Better Learning Tools -  Visual information demands the presence of a major part of your child's brain to process it. So it helps them use more mental power.

  2. Story Telling Is An Effective Way to Learn - Since video-viewing is like watching a movie, shifting from one concept to another is like a story. The child will be able to effectively narrate the concepts in the future in a better way. 

  3. Promotes Self-Study - Understanding the concepts becomes easier when learning via audio and video presentations, informative webinars, etc. Children will be more motivated to learn on their own, aiding a growth mindset

  4. Promotes Easier Learning - It is a versatile form of learning. Visual learning eases learning for all students since it revolves around the visual form, which attracts more attention.

  5. Saves Preparation Time - You won't have to invest a lot of time collecting the images, infographics, videos, etc. All the required resources are available online.

  6. On-the-Job Training Becomes Reality - By offering instructions through visual media, the tutor understands the process of completing a particular task. You get to learn to tackle situations as and when teaching begins.  

  7. Learning by Doing - When learning involves self-help in games and activities, it develops mental flexibility. Children search for solutions on their own, and it helps them remember the learning as smart kids. 

  8. Induces Better Understanding - Illustrations, be in books or visual media, simplify the concepts to aid better understanding. They help kids recreate the topic in their minds to recapitulate what they learnt.

  9. Stimulate Retention - Since videos and images get directly processed by long term memory, visual learning essentially works on long-term information retention. 

  10. Ensures Motivation - Once the kids understand the topics, it becomes easier to develop a growing interest in learning more about them. Following that, fetching good grades in exams becomes a cakewalk, and motivation to go on ensues. 

  11. Accessibility & Flexibility - With the ease of carrying and accessing the content to begin learning anywhere, visual learning has aided flexible studying times. You can easily modify the timetable for the children.

  12. Cost-effective - All the resources you may find for your kid's study session only require an active internet connection to a device. Hence, it saves money on books or any other reading materials.

  13. Learning Becomes Fun - With games, interactive study sessions, fun activities, and much more, learning automatically becomes the favourite time for kids. Their engagement grows along with concentration levels.

  14. Experience The Human Touch - Lastly, when video sessions get conducted by a subject matter expert, students can establish a strong human connection with their tutor. 

The various advantages offered by visual learning has inevitably aided its growth over traditional classroom learning. It is time for you to add it to your child's learning regime.