Creating Confidence

Fri, 26 Feb, 2021

Why quality English Teachers are highly sought after by parents?

English is a magical language that has become the portal to the rest of the world, and Indians have never been ones to shy away from opportunities to spread their wings out. It is no wonder then that parents want their children to be fluent in the language. Though its origin is nowhere close to here, it still is one of the official languages in India and is vastly used in various departments like the courts and judiciary houses, as well as being the language of modern inventions and science.

Unlike other regional languages, it is spoken and understood by a majority of the people in India-all the way from Himachal Pradesh to Tamil Nadu. Globalisation and the Internet have made English a much-needed language across the world, while English has a stronghold over the Indian society as well. Though it is unfortunate compared to the other languages spoken in India, knowing and speaking fluent English is a status symbol and a sign of refined breeding in society.

The skills of communicating in English often directly result in the person being hired into good companies and high-paying designations. The global market requires the employee to deal with clients from across the world, and communication plays a vital role in conducting sales. As the demand for better and better education rises, Indian parents look towards the west for quality higher education.

These reputed colleges almost always require students to clear exams like IELTS and TOEFL, which test their aptitude in English communication skills. Hence, a strong base in English would give them an added advantage instead of picking up language tuition classes specifically to crack such exams. The fluency of one’s English also provides the speaker with Power and Influence.

They are more equipped when it comes to presenting their opinion and viewpoints globally. Social media is the centre of success in this fast-moving and the internet-dependent modern world. Communication hence is key to becoming an influential model for the millions viewing your content online.

Written and spoken content is most effective and influential when created in English, and it automatically has a larger audience, unlike other western languages like French, Spanish or German. Knowing English, therefore, makes you a likeable and approachable person for people from other countries while simultaneously making travelling a much easier job as more than half the world understands and speaks English.

Knowing one language became the key to the world and to succeed in one’s life. The various inventions in all the different sectors of study-be it science, law, finance or humanities-the main medium of transfer of Knowledge is in English. Francis Bacon said that “Knowledge is Power”, and in this era, this Knowledge is written in English. With hearts full of hope, parents send their students to good English medium schools. Still, however, there are limited schools that actually succeed in hiring quality teachers and adopting effective English teaching methods.

The medium of education around India is majorly English, making it quite surprising that the population of people who speak fluent English is still low. This problem arises because of the scarcity of good, quality English teachers who themselves lack in skills. The lessons on English taught to students in classrooms are often one-dimensional and are limited to grammar and writing essays.

A quality teacher would teach the student English but never limit themselves to the curriculum. Learning a language comes with learning about the culture it is associated with as well. Classrooms are quite limited to the chalk and blackboard method, while they fail to a large extent when it comes to using information and communication technology tools. At the same time, they are known to be highly useful and effective when it comes to learning foreign languages. Very few teachers are aware of such tools available nowadays and lack training.

As such, teachers are scarce in the country, parents often resort to hiring foreign nationals from the UK or the US to teach their children English,which is not limited to India but all eastern nations. This has created a surge in the requirement of well-trained, well-qualified English teachers who effectively teach both the literature and the language itself.

To truly learn English, kids need to have a passion for the language and its roots, and a good teacher would be able to imbibe and share their own passion for the language in their students. It takes a great teacher to make learning fun and much more effective.

Here’s a checklist of qualities that good English teachers have:

  • The Basics

Good English teachers must know the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary, and punctuations like the back of their hands. Not all English teachers out their know perfect grammar, so make sure you check for this.

  • Impressive Personality

Confidence, communication skills, listening skills, and leadership are some of the personality traits of a good English teacher. These traits will give the teacher an aura. And the students will listen to and obey them. Otherwise, students can get bored quickly.

  • Individual Style of Teaching

Average English teachers teach from the textbook only. But an outstanding teacher will develop their material themselves. Creative teaching material will always help. Thus, it will be more challenging, exciting, and engaging for the students.

  • Progressive Outlook

Often, research and analysis come up with the latest theories on teaching techniques. Technology also plays a vital role. A good English teacher must be updated with the latest trends and technology in the field of teaching.

  • Clarity of Objective

One of the essential qualities of a good English teacher is he or she should be result-oriented. When they start a new lesson or chapter, they must know the objective of that lesson. And they should also be able to communicate the significance of a lesson to their students.

Make sure that you get to know the English teacher you choose for your kid. Spend some time with the teacher to see if he or she is the perfect fit for your child. After all, your child’s success in the 21stcenturyry depends highly on how he or she communicates in English.


PlanetSpark offers highly effective English learning program for Grade 2nd to 7th students with qualified Teachers. Click here to apply.