How To Be Good At Public Speaking? Tips For Effective Communication Skills


How To Be Good At Public Speaking? Tips For Effective Communication Skills


Having good speaking skills is vital to one’s success. It is necessary to build connections both at work and in life. Being shy in public and not expressing your thoughts is pretty normal. Since we spend a good chunk of our time online, most of our communication takes place in the virtual world, increasing our social anxiety. You do not have to worry. Because PlanetSpark has come up with some simple techniques to improve your public speaking.

Planet Spark's tips to hone your skills in public speaking


Practice the art of public speaking to become a master


Practice is essential in almost every aspect of life. For instance, think of your favorite artist who might be an actor, dancer, performer, singer, or instrumentalist. The one thing that is common in each of them is that they practice and then practice more. If you want to gain expertise in the art of public speaking, you need to be consistent with your practice. Once you've prepared yourself for the battle, practice your speech as many times as possible. It will help you overcome stage fear, and you will not feel anxious while speaking in public. With the communication skills course at Planet Spark, your child will get personalized training to sharpen their communication skills. We aim to deliver practical training to students from an early age to make them future orators.


Use gestures and voice modulation


Using gestures while giving a speech helps emphasize the essential points. However, remember not to overdo it because it might distract the audience altogether, and they will miss the power of your speech. Your hands can be effective tools in communicating your ideas if appropriately used. Similarly, voice modulation plays an essential part while giving a speech. The audience will only understand you when the voice is clear and confident. Voice modulation is an integral part of the curriculum at Planet Spark, considering its importance.


Students receive adequate training to polish their communication skills and better tone perfection to convey their ideas successfully to the audience. Your child will get an active learning experience with exciting games and powerful technology to become the next great public speaker and orator. Students will learn techniques of emphasis and subordination, change of pitch and pace, inflexion, among other crucial things to sharpen their communication skills.


Engage your audience with humor and storytelling


Humor makes your content more engaging. The audience will develop a bond with you if your speech contains a pinch of humor in it. If you can make people laugh at your joke, it shows that they are listening to you. It will boost your energy and confidence, and you'll present your ideas more effectively. Retaining your audience's attention not only depends on the material of your speech but also on how you deliver your thoughts and ideas.


Public speaking is vital irrespective of one's career choice. Our expert educators give students individualized attention to record their progress and understand their weak points to work on. This also helps the students to have unhesitant discussions with teachers to clear all their doubts. At Planetspark, your child will learn the art of storytelling, active listening, and daily conversational skills, among many other things for effective communication.


Know your audience


To engage and influence the audience, you need to know to who you are presenting your thoughts and ideas. If your material is too complex to understand or too easy to provide any valuable information to them, your speech will not be successful. The speech is not for you but for them. Remember this while preparing your material. The curriculum of Planetspark has incorporated activities to prepare young learners how to deal with novel situations. Our expert educators teach them situation-based conversation and the use of emotions while communicating so that the learners become ready to deal with unexpected circumstances with great confidence. At Planetspark, students develop their cognitive abilities to solve problems themselves and respond to different situations effectively. Start the course now!


Your body language is just as crucial as your speaking skills


Non-verbal behaviors are also essential to present yourself confidently. Your body movements, expressions, and manners help you build connections with people. The audience understands better when you use hand gestures and facial expressions to explain what you are saying. As listeners, we pay maximum attention to body movements and the tone; even more than the actual content. Our brains function that way quite naturally. So, it is important to carefully work on body language to become influencers and powerful orators. Planetspark helps in a child’s overall development from an early age. The curriculum is planned to include every essential aspect that contributes to honing a child's communication skills.


Make sure to include these tips in your daily lives and practice them consistently to overcome anxiety and fear of public speaking and achieve excellent communication skills.


Frequently asked questions about the Effective English Speaking Class for Students.


1. How to improve a child’s English speaking at home? 

Children spend a lot of time at home, so encourage communication in English with them. Watch English cartoons with them and develop their reading habits.


2. What are the activities for getting effective communication skills for beginners?

Listen to their speeches and guide them on where to pause and stress. Fluency in the language is also essential for confident speaking skills.


3. How to become fluent in the English Language?

Apart from speaking in English, it’s essential to develop good reading and writing habits to formulate your thoughts in English and express yourself clearly in the language.


4. What are the benefits of the Effective English Speaking Course for kids?

Students become comfortable in the language to express themselves with confidence. If your child wants to become an expert in public speaking, then this is the course for them.


5. Can I get a free trial before enrolling in the course?

Yes, you can get a free trial. Click here to book a free demo class.