Write about your most prized possession. Why do you value the object?

Write About Your Most Prized Possession. Why Do You Value The Object?

Whenever I think back about my childhood, I often catch myself smiling helplessly, as I have so many memories to cherish. However, there were a few things, or places, or people who were more important to me than anything or anyone else. These things, places, or people were an essential part of my childhood and can never be forgotten. Our prized possessions keep changing with time and age. However, there is always something in our lives, which is precious for us at a given point of time. Thus, the meaning and value of a prized possession varies in different phases of the life of a person.

Reminiscing about my childhood days, there is one thing that I could say was my most prized possession. When I was 5 years old, my father gifted me a bicycle on my birthday. That bicycle was the trendiest and cutest bicycle among all those that my friends had. I used to feel so special while riding that bicycle, and flaunting it in front of my friends was the best part. It was more special to me because my father gifted it to me. I remember silently murmuring in front of him how I wanted a bicycle of a certain colour and him acting as if he could not hear me. And yet, there it was in my yard on the morning of my birthday.

I used to race with my friends on that bicycle. I even participated in a cycling competition at my school with my bicycle and stood 2nd in the race. I was awarded with a pair of roller skates. By then, I did not know how to skate. However, I was so proud of myself and so obsessed with those skates, that I learned how to skate too. That is how another prized possession stepped into my life. Those roller skates were so valuable to me because I won them in a competition. It brought a sense of pride and confidence to me. Also, it helped me to learn a new skill.

Both the bicycle and the roller skates have such amazing childhood memories attached to them, that whenever I think about those days of my life, I feel extremely happy and blessed. They are so special to me that I still have it stored in the backyard of my house.


1. What is a prized possession?

A prized possession is a thing or an object which you value or cherish more than anything else.

2. Can a prized possession ever change?

 Yes, it can change as per age, need, occupancy, or replacement of objects.

3. Why do we value our prized possessions?

We value our prized possessions as it has some emotional significance attached to it.

4. Is it normal to not have a prized possession in childhood days?

Yes, it is alright if a child does not feel attached to a certain thing and treats all its objects equally.

5. What to do if a child loses his or her most prized possession?

The child has to be made to understand very politely that it was just an object and he can get any other better thing in the future. However, discarding the child’s sadness over the loss would be very wrong.