Writers Guild

Mon, 21 Jun, 2021

Everything About PlanetSpark’s Online Story Writing Classes for Class 3 Children!

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Grade 3 is a great time to introduce story writing to kids. During the 3rd grade, children are flexing their ideas and learning to express those ideas in a more sophisticated way. Boost your kids' creativity with PlanetSpark's Online Story Writing Classes for class 3 kids. Engage, learn & spark imagination like never before!

Kids start using a dictionary to correct their spellings, Grammar improves in terms of punctuations, contractions, etc. Class 3 children can write an essay with a simple statement, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Slowly they are building skills in the writing process. 

It is ideal for a parent to enrol their child in an online story writing class for class 3, which will help to give an outlet to their imaginations in writing skills. Story writing also may be a favourite activity of a child, but a love of writing does not always come naturally to the child. 

This skill needs to be honed more, to make the Class 3 child future-ready with the 21st century new skills, which include the art of Story writing. Online story writing classes for Class 3 children, develop an early enthusiasm for writing. With gentle instructions from teachers and guidance from our mentors, kids learn the process of writing and develop the foundation they need to acquire writing skills at their own pace in a nurturing environment.

So, what's the best way to get children interested in writing?

Story writing skill for class 3 children does not come naturally for most kids. While some children acquire this passion on their own, others must discover for themselves after trying their hand at story writing, and find out for themselves that developing an interest in this field is beneficial.

At PlanetSpark, we believe the most important first step is to remove the pressure of writing. Parents often fall into the trap of expecting too much too soon from the class 3 children as parents and educators. 

Proper spelling, readable handwriting, engaging thoughts, and sentences that flow together are what we're looking for. The pressure to complete all of these pieces at the same time is too much for most of the class 3 children, and we risk turning them off to writing if we do so.

Online English Creative Training for Class 3 children explores literary devices, such as dialogue, and point of view, and learn how to use descriptive details and figurative language. C

hildren in Grade 3 continue to improve their grammar, spelling, and mechanics skills, as well as their understanding of how to analyze writing and do research. The story writing classes in addition to enhancing the writing skills also develop their critical and creative skills.

Book a FREE class NOW!

About Online Story Writing Classes for Class 3 Children

story writing classes for class 3

Our grade 3 English story writing Classes begin by building the foundation for children to express themselves creatively while adhering to traditional English rules that ensure their work is powerful and cohesive. 

As a versatile tool for both academic and creative writing, the child is led through each step of the writing process, from concept development to revision. The same is extended into the finer components of good writing as the class 3 child grasps structure, mechanics, and expression. 

The English story writing Course for 3rd grade is divided into the following sections:

  • Planning: The child is taught to create characters, settings, and plots that impress. They need to put their thoughts into writing and think about the storyline first.

  • Idea Generation: Children brainstorm, and collect ideas from each other. Structuring and elaborating on ideas happen. It is amazing to see how imaginative the kids are at that age.  

  • Words: choosing the right words, building their vocabulary to enrich their descriptions. To create a finished narrative, children write multiple drafts. The wordings should be appropriate for the topic, reader, and intent, and indicate how the primary concept is developed with supporting elements. In drafting, students strive to organize information into a logical sequence through the use of time-order words.

  • Grammar: Children are taught a few simple tricks to vary their sentence structure and make their characters come to life. Usage of correct punctuation marks and capitalization, and other features of polished writing.

  • Writing: Finally, children overcome all the blocks and hurdles during the planning process and start the writing process. Students create, illustrate, and share a range of writings, including writing and publishing work utilizing suitable computer technologies. 

  • Collaborating: Help is provided to the children for getting the story published.

Story writing Class for class 3 children explains the stages of the writing process, such as brainstorming, organising, drafting, editing, proofreading, and submitting their work. Teachers provide constructive criticism and help children focus on areas where they may improve to help them become better communicators.

Story writing skills for class 3 children, develop a child's knowledge of narrative elements, will enhance and improve in terms of character, language, structure, storyline, and setting. 

During the Grade 3 Online Story Writing course, the child will develop creative ability by writing a variety of stories. Students will also critique their work to arrive at the final draft. From a young age, children are taught the necessity of editing and revising as well as the construction of a polished draft.

Story writing also helps to build on a child’s reading skills and brings us a confident speaker in the child.

To experience our Online Story Writing Classes for class  3 Children now book a FREE class today!

Benefits Of Story Writing Classes For Class 3 Children

a girl writing a story

There are several benefits of online English creative training for class 3 children. Some of these are listed below:

  • Certified teachers for each course with experience in teaching.

  • Children develop a better understanding of the English language.

  • Active Learning, Student-driven learning 

  • 1:1 teaching 

  • Personalized Feedback.

  • Secure Virtual Classrooms

Registration for our courses can be done in one simple step. You can click here to register and book a FREE trial for our course.

Curriculum Details for Story Writing Classes for Class 3 Children

The story writing course for class 3 children focuses on breaking down language learning components into smaller components for improved comprehension. The curriculum is tailored to the child's areas of interest, ensuring that the children remain interested in writing. 

 The course curriculum comprises two major sections:

  1. Reading Comprehension and Summarizing Section

Children will learn how to examine texts and extract the main ideas and key details. It includes the following:

  • Setting, Mood, and Characters

  • Key Events and Sequencing

  • Main Idea

  • Compare and Contrast

  • Cause and Effect

  • Plot (Conflict & Resolution)

  • Summary and Prediction

  • Conclusion

  • Fact or Opinion

  • Point of View

  • Inferences

  1. Creative Writing Section

Children learn the structure of writing, Story building; Theme and Main message; Point of view; Steps of Writing; Descriptive, Persuasive and Expository writing. Students can use figurative language (e.g., similes, onomatopoeia), rhythm, dialogue, characterisation, storyline, and suitable structure in their writing. The components involved are given below:

  • Composing with Pictures

  • Developing a Writing Identity

  • Generating and Collecting Ideas

  • Focus / Meaning

  • Organizing and Structuring Ideas

  • Elaborating on Ideas

  • Word Choice

  • Grammar and Punctuation

  • Collaborating with Writing Partners

The following format is followed in the story writing Class for 3rd class kids for the written work by the children:

  • Front cover: A piece of colourful design with the title, author's name, and illustration on it. (After the book has been written and rewritten, this material can be added)

  • Title Page: It includes the title, author's name, and illustration as well as the date of submission.

  • Story pages: The pages are arranged in chronological sequence with page numbers, with optional drawings

  • Back Cover: A piece of colourful design with the Author's page and a self-portrait or student photo on the inside. (This can be added after the book has been written completely and edited.)

Our Online story writing course for Class 3 is built on a curriculum that helps a child to build skills and master the art of creative writing.

Activities & worksheets for Story writing for Class 3 children 

The activities and worksheets relieve stress for the children by providing exciting hands-on activities that make writing skills more concrete. This helps them to put new concepts together in a way that makes sense to them. 

Grade 3 Children get the opportunity to share their writing in a safe and encouraging environment, and they learn how to provide and accept constructive critique. Worksheets, activities, and exercises are used in our interactive sessions. Teachers providing proactive feedback to students allows them to focus on their weak areas during this exciting activity time.

A few of the activities for Class 3 story writing classes 

  1. Weekend Story

The children will write a story about a trip or an outing that they would have gone to on a weekend. This is a very wonderful activity to enhance their observation skills. They need to describe what they saw, using all their senses. 

It can have a beginning elaboration on how they started the journey from home, who all went with them, what they observed during their travel, how they went and everything else about the trip.

  1. Journals

Maintaining a journal should be a habit inculcated right from childhood. From the story writing perspective, a journal becomes a good reference point, to get the ideas to start with. The child can record his or her thoughts, or an interesting school or home activity. Children are encouraged to do it on a daily basis, this develops writing skills, creative skills and brings discipline to a child’s life.

  1. Twist in the story

Children will rewrite a story that they already know, this could be from their school curriculum also, they just need to give it a different twist. The imagination of the child gets tested in this activity.

  1. Poetry to Prose

In this activity, the children will be given a poem to read out, and then the class writes the same in a story format. This develops reading habits and it is a proven fact that reading improves a child’s writing skills also.

  1. Writing Prompt

The children are given Creative Writing Prompts to start their stories. Sometimes. The child does want to write but is not able to think of any ideas. Writing prompts help in giving ideas to start a story. They are an easy and fun way to practice.

The worksheets for the English Story writing class for Grade 3 children are based on these activities and various other activities which are helpful for the child to practice their skills. The children can review the foundational concepts while continuing to build skills in story planning, descriptive writing and sentence and paragraph development.

PlanetSpark offers the best story writing classes for class 3 children. So, what are you waiting for? Try our online story writing classes for class 3 for your child today!

Teacher's Profile

Teachers at PlanetSpark have the skills and experience to teach all elements of the language, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They are also given extensive training and get a thorough understanding of intended goals from the courses.

They are chosen for their extensive teaching experience, competence, and enthusiasm. They bring vigour and excitement to the classroom and deliver our unique and current curriculum in a way that actively engages and develops your kid.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach?

Courses at PlanetSpark are aimed at children from 4 to 14years of age.

  1. What is taught under Creative Writing?

Creative writing covers the writing of stories, poems, blogs, songs, Essays, Drama etc. It is a very sought career with the new digital revolution. Kids as young as 15 years have already established themselves as successful writers. Christopher Paolini, proceeded to write his first novel, Eragon when he was 15 years of age. 

Anne Frank’s diary detailed her harrowing experiences of hiding with her family from Nazis before being sent to a concentration camp. She was just 15, Anusha Subramaniam, Zooni Chopra, and Melita Tessy are a few Indian names who have made it big even before 15.

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

The course duration and fees vary for the courses you choose from. Please, contact us on our page to get to know the details for the specific course, you would want your child to enrol in.

  1. How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

You will be given access to a parent dashboard where you can easily monitor your child’s writing, achievements, and the feedback they are receiving from their class teacher.

  1. How can I connect, if I need to get some information about my child?

Stay in touch with your child’s teacher. You can email or you can connect to customer support  If you have concerns or just want to know about what your child is doing in the classroom, don’t hesitate to set an appointment.

  1. On what basis is the course curriculum developed and who is it developed by?

Expert educators with decades of expertise in-class teaching and curriculum development devised our curriculum. They conduct an extensive study and change the curriculum every year to reflect the most recent educational advancements.

  1. How do I book a free trial class?

You can register your child and get a free trial by clicking  here.

  1. What is PlanetSpark and what do they do?

PlanetSpark platform leverages powerful technology to provide live online classes to K12 learners on English Communication, Public Speaking, Grammar, Creative Writing, Debating, Vlogging, and other 'new age' skills. 

PlanetSpark is on a journey to make the traditional and unorganized tuitions obsolete through its virtual classroom. PlanetSpark is creating the World Leader in Communication Skills for children aged 4 to 14, preparing them for a bright future and future employment, regardless of their chosen vocation.

  1. How can I help my 3rd grader with story writing?

To help your child to get training in story writing skills you can enrol him on our Online Story Writing Classes for Class 3 Children. 

With the help of professionals, children in Grade 3 learn how to organize their thoughts, write a blog page or write a story or essay on a preferred topic and turn it into a comprehensible narrative with a voice and purpose. Students move their focus from writing for the sake of the activity and presenting content to peers, as they did in Second Grade, to writing effectively and using techniques and logic. 

  1. Can I use the PlanetSpark app on a Tablet?

Yes, the app is very much user-friendly and works across tablets, PCs and laptops.

  1. What are the course timings for Class 3 students for the story writing classes? 

The courses are given at convenient timings for the kids, please contact us on our page to get to know the specific course you would want your child to enrol in.

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