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Tue, 13 Jul, 2021

9 Good Habits You Should Teach Your Child

Good habits in children


"Good habits formed at youth make all the difference." – Aristotle

Having a good habit is like having a very important life skill. A child's habit can be moulded easily when they are young. As they grow, they are exposed to various physical and mental tasks that make them pick up new habits (good and bad) along the way. As a parent, you should always strive to ensure that your child learns and adopts only good habits and practices early on. Hence, setting a proper course at the beginning is critical.

How to Develop Good and Healthy Habits in Children 

Generally, good habits refer to a person's behaviour that is beneficial for their physical and mental development. Often linked to a high level of discipline and self-control, these habits are known to help a person in various aspects of their life. Here are 9 good habits you should inculcate in your child: 

Set Ground Rules 

It's important that you set some rules for your child to discipline them and help them learn good habits. Make a timetable for your kid and allocate a fixed time for every activity such as watching TV, playing, doing homework, studying, and napping.

Encourage Physical Activities

Physical activity is beyond organised sports and can include everyday activities like walking the dog and even household chores like sweeping or gardening. 

Let them choose the activities they enjoy. This will eventually become a part of their life as they grow older. 

Teach Social Skills

Part of your responsibility as a parent is to educate your children about social skills. These skills are extremely important in developing effective interpersonal skills and communication skills. Some of the social skills for kids are greeting others, using eye contact when talking, using the correct tone of voice for the situation, taking turns in conversations, opening and ending conversations appropriately, etc. 

Encourage Family Bonding

Family time is extremely important for a growing child. Make sure your family spends quality time together. Arrange indoor activities or take your family for picnics, walks, swimming, parks and other outdoor activities. Children coming from strong families grow up to be positive and confident adults. 

Eat Healthy Food

Encourage your child to make healthy food choices. Educate them about the importance of having nutritious and brain development foods in your diet. Encourage them to read the food labels so that they are more conscious of what they eat. A habit of eating a healthy diet can help change behaviour for a lifetime.

Read Books

Reading stories to your child is a powerful way to help develop good habits in your child. Stories can inspire them to behave in a correct manner, discipline them, and help them to maintain a positive outlook in life. In the long run, this habit will help your child's intellect as well. 

Teach Responsibility

Teaching your child to be responsible is a way to ensure that they grow up to be caring adults. Imbibe this trait by giving them the responsibility of age-appropriate household chores. Consider gifting a pet to your child to instil a sense of responsibility in them. 

Teach Basic Etiquette and Hygiene

Teach your child some basic habits about hygiene such as brushing teeth, having a bath, washing hands before and after meals, etc. Also, inculcate some basic etiquette and manners in your child, such as when and why to say thank you and sorry. 

Teach Importance of Punctuality

Punctuality strengthens and reveals a person's integrity and plays a central role in their success. Encourage your child to be punctual in all their activities. 

You may teach good habits to your child, but whether it will be implemented or not largely depends on how well you inculcate them in your daily life. Direct your child onto the right path and help them stay on it with praise and positive reinforcement.