
Mon, 06 Dec, 2021

The Connection Between Education and Poverty!

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Importance of education

In many countries, parents cannot afford the education of their children, mainly because of poverty and poor economic conditions, due to which very few children are able to enrol in school. According to studies, it has also been found that due to lack of education and poverty, they have to bear both mental and physical losses. As a result, domestic violence and unemployment have also been seen, which in turn lead to family tension.

According to a research published in 2002, these conditions in India are exacerbated by educational poverty, which is characterised as a lack of access to basic education and literacy. Only 6% of poor households' money goes toward education and health, with the remainder going towards basic essentials like food and fuels.

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Poverty And Education: What's The Connection?

Poverty affecting education

Children's learning ability is hampered when they are stressed by poverty and have a disadvantaged background. Poverty affects children on numerous levels, including physical, socioemotional, and cognitive development. Here are the ways that education and poverty affect both.

  1. Skills and abilities are developed through education

A quality education system is very important for the development of a child's developing social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills. Children who have received quality primary education have great potential to develop these assets at a higher level. By using these abilities and skills, children are also successful in earning high income.

  1. Inequality can be combated through education

Education provides more opportunities to participate in society. Apart from this it also helps in removing some specific obstacles like poverty and unemployment. Education provides a basic human right for all at an individual level.

  1. Risk and vulnerability are reduced by education

Apart from reducing inequality, education can also protect against vulnerability and risk, which we can get only through education. Good education shows us the way in every difficulty.


Like education, the roots of poverty are also very deep, with many factors responsible for it. Without education no one is living in great poverty, but the poor living in poverty are definitely deprived of education.

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  1. What role does education play in poverty reduction?

Education is the key to boosting economic efficiency and social consistency by raising the labour force's worth and efficiency, and therefore lifting the poor out of poverty.

  1. Give an example and a scenario of how poverty affects schooling.

Schools in low-income neighbourhoods have flaws that generate their own learning challenges for pupils. Even if tuition is free, other expenses such as textbooks, school supplies, uniforms, and transportation can be exorbitant.

  1. How does education help to break the poverty cycle?

The more skilled youngsters in a family who can read, write, solve problems, and comprehend information, the faster that family and future generations will be able to break free from poverty.

  1. What impact does poverty have on education?

According to a research published in 2002, these conditions in India are exacerbated by educational poverty, which is characterised as a lack of access to basic education and literacy. Only 6% of poor households' money goes toward education and health, with the remainder going toward basic essentials like food and gasoline.

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