Writers Guild

Thu, 20 Aug, 2020

Through the eyes of my furry friend: A tale told by one of my beloved pets!

A cat

My day starts with waking up and stretching out in my soft pet house. When I wake up, it's often dark outside, and the first thing I do after waking up is run to my human and wake him up. My human is my best friend.. He serves me food, water, and brings me different toys and random stuff to play with. He treats me like a child, which is adorable but sometimes also annoying.

After I wake my human, I sit on his face. His warm face feels quite relaxing to sit on. I also play with his cheeks and scratch them a bit. He is great to play with. I meow very loudly and keep meowing until he gives me food. After finishing my food, I wake up the other human who sleeps next to me. I meow at her till she gives me food again. That way, I get to eat twice. I like the food they give me, but I particularly enjoy it when they make me some cat food from the tin.

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Then I sit by the window and look out at the yard, looking for a mouse. My human is good at many things, but he does not know how to hunt! I have been with him for a long time, yet I have never seen him catch a mouse. Frequently he is unable to catch me as well! If I could catch a mouse, I could give it to him as a gift. After all, he is my best friend, and I sometimes feel like helping him as much as I can.

After some time, the sun comes out. By this time, the streets outside are well-lit, and I see many other humans dressed up. Due to their inability to hunt, they eat peculiar things that they call fruits. I, too, sit at the table with them. Of course, I like to sit with them as they are my family. I have tasted one of their fruits, one time. It tasted awful.

Soon after, my humans leave for some time. I miss them, but I also heartily enjoy my me-time - biting and scratching the cushions on the sofa and climbing the curtains.

Eventually, the cushions tear, and a curtain or two falls, and I feel relieved. At this point, I go drink some water from my water bowl and eat some food from my food bowl. I feel a little tired by this time. So, I take a dump in my litter box and then, it’s nap-time.

After such a tiring day, I deserve a long rest. I sleep well and only wake up when my humans are back home. They clean my litter box and rearrange the cushions and the curtains I played with. It feels so good to have them look at my masterpiece - the scratched-to-bits cushion. I am able to prove my hunting skills and strength to my humans.

This was my day as a pet of the most amazing human ever, and I hope you enjoyed  reading about the day.

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