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Wed, 28 Sep, 2022

Uncovering the Reasons Why Higher Education is Underrated


Uncovering the Reasons Why Higher Education is Underrated

Education is crucial for succeeding in this fast-paced, capitalist society. Does that
mean the education is confined to the four walls of a college classroom? Perhaps

Information is available all around us—in books, videos, and free online courses
from the top universities in the world. Why do so many people go for higher
education, if this is true?

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  1. Structured Learning

Yes, information is freely available. However, we still need to learn how to use that
information in the best way possible. Good institutions structure their syllabus in a
way that is easy to understand and apply.

  1. International Exposure

The average salary abroad is significantly higher than those in developing countries
like India. For this reason, Indian students seek better opportunities for education
and jobs in foreign countries. 

The international standard of living makes up for the high cost of a college education for many.

  1. Real-World, Life-Long Skills

Uncovering the Reasons Why Higher Education is Underrated

Universities are now focusing on teaching practical skills, based on real-world
scenarios. Students get exposed to experiences that they may encounter in the

This includes training in soft skills such as communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.

  1. Networking

One of the biggest pros of higher education is the connections you can make
through your university. You will be able to learn from the personal and professional
experiences of your fellow students and faculty.

  1.  You Have To Put In The Work

Higher education is expensive, and as students, we have to justify spending that
money. Getting a college degree does not guarantee a high-paying job—you still
I have to put in the effort.

 However, higher education is a tool that makes it easier to enter the job market.

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A study found that a bachelor#39;s degree-holder earns 84% more (in their lifetime)
when compared to those who just graduated from high school. The only thing is that
we need to make sure we are using the skills we learn to the fullest.

In conclusion, higher education is not overrated. It offers genuine benefits for
students in today’s competitive job market.

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  1. Where can we get free information from?

We can get free information from books, videos, and online courses from top
universities in the world.

  1. Why do people choose to go for higher education?

People choose to go for higher education for structured learning, international
exposure, real-world skills, and networking.

  1. What are the real-world soft skills you can learn at college?

The soft skills you can learn at college include communication, critical thinking, and

  1. What is the main difference between bachelor 's degree holders and high school graduates?

The main difference between bachelor 's degree-holders and high school graduates could be the salary gap.

  1.  What is the advantage of networking at a university?

The advantage of networking is that you can learn from the personal and
professional experiences of your fellow students and faculty.

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