The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 29 Nov, 2021

Preserving our future: A speech on the topic Save the Environment!

Many people have seen a decline in human well-being during the last few decades on Earth. All one has to do is start searching for hints since they are all around us. We need to safeguard our environment now more than ever because of the extreme weather patterns we're seeing.

The frequency and severity of natural disasters are increasing, and the number of persons killed as a result is rising as well. In addition, the melting of glaciers serves as yet another heartbreaking illustration of the need for environmental protections.

As carbon dioxide levels rise, the dangers to human health and the environment are only increasing. If we don't do anything soon, nature will have its way with us and we'll all pay the price.

By preserving the environment, we're also doing our part to benefit humanity. Not for the sake of the planet's survival, but for our own. Throughout the ages, Mother Earth has and will continue to exist as a living entity. When humanity is at peril, we need to act quickly. 

Methods That Are Beneficial To The Environment

To begin, we must ensure that every garbage is appropriately disposed of. Recyclables and efficient trash disposal must be prioritised first in order to achieve this goal. Reusable energy sources like hydro or solar electricity should be used in place of coal as much as feasible.

This enables us to have a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. On a larger scale, cities must be built in accordance with the amount of water that is available. Water resources will be conserved as a result of this change. Whenever feasible, use cold water instead of hot water. In addition, farmers are required to use organic fertilisers instead of insecticides 

Air pollution must also be eliminated to the utmost. At all costs, people should avoid driving their own cars whenever feasible. Consider taking public transportation or carpooling for the same objective. If you want to avoid global warming, don't squander power.

When not in use, turn off the lights and fans and disconnect any electrical equipment. Reduce waste by using recycled materials wherever possible. In addition, choose ecologically beneficial alternatives to plastic. Using reusable bags and containers, for example, is a good idea. Make sure you and your loved ones don't contaminate the roadways.

Plant as many trees as you can. Both the quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the pace of deforestation are very disruptive. Therefore, we need to promote tree planting to improve air quality. Furthermore, halting deforestation is critical to the survival of our planet.

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